Filtering by: 2024b

Patient Advocates -Our Heroes
11:45 PM23:45

Patient Advocates -Our Heroes


patient advocates at san antonio breast cancer symposium

I was thrilled to meet, after years, Barbara Segarra, Stacey Tinianov, Terlissa Sheppard, and Yvonne Mclean, at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium on December 13th, 2024. Being Breast Cancer Thrivers, these remarkable women left no stone unturned to step up and help other patients through love, care, research, and participation on panels, being the voice. Hats off to you! You are our Heroes!

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy

100% of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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VJ Oncology Interview
10:30 PM22:30

VJ Oncology Interview


VJ Oncology at san antonio breast cancer symposium

Thank you, VJ Oncology, for inviting for the interview in honor of Breast Cancer Hub’s Poster Spotlight Award at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium on 13th December 2024, under the category “Addressing Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Outcome.” Very proud of our team executing the work in Cachar -Sapna Pashi, Ranjita  Singha, Sarita Singha, Sangita Bagdi, Sanalembi Devi. Principal investigator - Dr Lopamudra Das Roy.

Title of the Study: “Door-to-door Breast Cancer Screening in 22,278 populaces from February 2020 to April 2024: Breast Cancer Hub’s Trendsetting Grassroots Sustainable Solutions, overcoming the Disparity, and Challenges in the Rural Remote Villages in Poverty, of Assam, India”

Challenges: The villagers could not financially afford to go to the hospitals, leading them to succumb to faith healers and eventually die. The family avoided taking patients to hospitals as it would be a full-day affair, and they couldn’t miss their daily wage because food was their priority.

Breast Cancer Hub’s pioneering trendsetter sustainable framework saving lives in remote villages in the untapped sectors:  The BCH team goes door-to-door, teaching every member Breast Self-Examination (BSE), providing BSE card in local language, accompanying suspicious cases to hospitals, providing transport, generating villagers’ income certificates and health cards, helping with hospital registration, patient communication with healthcare professionals, providing treatment aid for diagnosis not covered under the government schemes, dropping patients home with follow-ups, counseling, support, taking the same patients back to the hospital on the next appointments, assisting with the comprehensive treatment process, case by case.

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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SABCS - Poster Spotlight
10:10 AM10:10

SABCS - Poster Spotlight


San Antonio breast cancer symposium - poster spotlight

For the first time, the data of Breast Cancer Hub’s villages adoption program of door-to-door Breast Cancer Screening in 22,278 villagers from February 2020 to April 2024, from 17 villages and One Tea Garden Estate in Cachar, Assam, and taking care of suspicious cases end to end providing grassroots sustainable solutions, was presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium on 13th December 2024, the world’s largest Breast Cancer Research Conference, by Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, the Principal investigator of the study. The research was awarded the Poster Spotlight under the category “Addressing Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Outcome.” The team executing the work in Cachar is Sapna Pashi, Ranjita  Singha, Sarita Singha, Sangita Bagdi, Sanalembi Devi and Dr Lopamudra Das Roy.

Title of the Study: “Door-to-door Breast Cancer Screening in 22,278 populaces from February 2020 to April 2024: Breast Cancer Hub’s Trendsetting Grassroots Sustainable Solutions, overcoming the Disparity, and Challenges in the Rural Remote Villages in Poverty, of Assam, India”

Challenges: The villagers could not financially afford to go to the hospitals, leading them to succumb to faith healers and eventually die. The family avoided taking patients to hospitals as it would be a full-day affair, and they couldn’t miss their daily wage because food was their priority.

Breast Cancer Hub’s pioneering trendsetter sustainable framework saving lives in remote villages in the untapped sectors:  The BCH team goes door-to-door, teaching every member Breast Self-Examination (BSE), providing BSE card in local language, accompanying suspicious cases to hospitals, providing transport, generating villagers’ income certificates and health cards, helping with hospital registration, patient communication with healthcare professionals, providing treatment aid for diagnosis not covered under the government schemes, dropping patients home with follow-ups, counseling, support, taking the same patients back to the hospital on the next appointments, assisting with the comprehensive treatment process, case by case.

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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SABCS - Poster
10:10 AM10:10

SABCS - Poster


San Antonio breast cancer symposium - poster presentation

Very happy to share that we have a second research which is a Case Study, that got accepted at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS); Title: “Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) Case Study in Nadia District, West Bengal—Addressing Breast Cancer Challenges in Villages in India with Grassroots Sustainable Solution”, and was presented on 12th December 2024 by Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, the Principal investigator of the study. A massive shout-out to BCH Nadia Village team, Ratna Basak, Sima Basak, Rimpa Biswas, Sabarna Saraswati, and  Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, for executing the case study. We are thankful to Akhaya Mohanty for the support. The case highlights the systemic issues in breast cancer care in developing regions, where lack of awareness, inadequate healthcare infrastructure, and financial constraints delay or prevent treatment. BCH’s unique, trendsetting efforts are helping save lives in untapped sectors. These efforts underscore the need to revise the guidelines to address these challenges effectively, necessitating policy changes and targeted healthcare strategies to serve vulnerable populations better.

In addition, BCH was awarded the Poster Spotlight Award for another study at the same SABCS conference. Title: Door-to-door Breast Cancer Screening in 22,278 populaces from February 2020 to April 2024: Breast Cancer Hub’s Trendsetting Grassroots Sustainable Solutions, overcoming the Disparity, and Challenges in the Rural Remote Villages in Poverty, of Assam, India.

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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BCH Committee with HOSA in Central Cabarrus High School
10:10 AM10:10

BCH Committee with HOSA in Central Cabarrus High School


BCH committee with hosa in Central Cabarrus High School

Initiation of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) Committee with HOSA Club in Central Cabarrus High School, NC, in November 2024: Thank you Ms. Alaina Townley, HOSA Club advisor, for inviting BCH to collaborate and supporting the cause. It was my immense pleasure to conduct the awareness session on November 19, 2024, so that the students can generate cancer early detection & prevention education within their network through the BCH resources provided and also explaining the BCH service projects designed to make a meaningful difference. They are not just tasks but opportunities to contribute to a cause that can change lives with no cost to be incurred by the school.

“After the session, we distributed BCH brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also given to the community to provide awareness and education. We also discussed our BCH handcrafted essential Patient care package that contains Breast Cancer Surgery (also applicable for other cancers), heart-shaped pillow with a pocket to insert cold or hot pack providing comfort and healing, specialized Chemo port Seat Belt pillows to wear in the Car while seated, and Soft Hats for irritated scalp from chemo, beneficial for patients, along with expressive cards with creative artwork to bring smiles to the patients”.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).

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Weddington High School
10:10 AM10:10

Weddington High School


Weddington high school - cancer awareness club

November 15, 2024: Weddington High School-Cancer Awareness Club: Thank you, Namita Pandit, and the members of the Cancer Awareness Club, for inviting me to speak about Breast Cancer. It was wonderful to meet Namita, Riya Zachariah, and other students.

“After the session, on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), we distributed BCH brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also given to the students to provide awareness and education. We also discussed our BCH handcrafted essential Patient care package that contains Breast Cancer Surgery (also applicable for other cancers), heart-shaped pillow with a pocket to insert cold or hot pack providing comfort and healing, specialized Chemo port Seat Belt pillows to wear in the Car while seated, and Soft Hats for irritated scalp from chemo, beneficial for patients, along with expressive cards with creative artwork to bring smiles to the patients”.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).

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BCH Club Lake Norman Charter High School
10:10 AM10:10

BCH Club Lake Norman Charter High School


BCH Club Lake Norman Charter High School

Breast Cancer Awareness Session with Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) Club, Lake Norman Charter High School, November 14, 2024: It was wonderful meeting Ms. Michelle Wiehl (Club advisor) and so thankful for her incredible support. It was my pleasure to conduct the cancer awareness session for BCH Club officers Sanjana Gopalakrishnan, Akshara Gurudu, Viva Mittal, and Sahasra Poolugu and the BCH Club members, so that our Club members can generate awareenss within their own network, and also explaining about the upcoming club activities execution and how it will be making meaningful impact.

“After the session, we distributed BCH brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also given to the community to provide awareness and education. We also discussed our BCH handcrafted essential Patient care package that contains Breast Cancer Surgery (also applicable for other cancers), heart-shaped pillow with a pocket to insert cold or hot pack providing comfort and healing, specialized Chemo port Seat Belt pillows to wear in the Car while seated, and Soft Hats for irritated scalp from chemo, beneficial for patients, along with expressive cards with creative artwork to bring smiles to the patients”.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).

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BCH Club - Hickory Ridge High School
10:10 AM10:10

BCH Club - Hickory Ridge High School


BCH Club -Hickory ridge high school

The starting of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) Club in Hickory Ridge High School, Concord, NC, is attributed to Sriyans R Annareddy’s hardwork & persuasion and the approval of Mrs. Teresa Malins as the Club advisor, without her support, BCH Club in HRHS wouldn’t have been possible . Thanks to all the students attending the BCH Club interest meeting on November 12, 2024 and learning about Breast Cancer Early detection screening & prevention, BCH’s grassroots sustainable solutions, and understanding the club activities to make a meaningful difference. They are not just tasks but opportunities to contribute to a cause that can change lives with no cost to be incurred by the school.

“After the session, we distributed BCH brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also given to the community to provide awareness and education. We also provided BCH handcrafted essential Patient care package that contains Breast Cancer Surgery (also applicable for other cancers), heart-shaped pillow with a pocket to insert cold or hot pack providing comfort and healing, specialized Chemo port Seat Belt pillows to wear in the Car while seated, and Soft Hats for irritated scalp from chemo, beneficial for patients, along with expressive cards with creative artwork to bring smiles to the patients”.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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2025 BM1T Male Breast Cancer Happens Virtual Conference
9:00 AM09:00

2025 BM1T Male Breast Cancer Happens Virtual Conference

BM1T Male Breast Cancer Happens Virtual Conference

BM1T Male Breast Cancer Happens (MBCH) Virtual Conference, November 07, 2025: Thank you, Peggy Miller, Bret Miller, and the organizing team of MBCH, for inviting me to speak on my perspectives of the Grassroots scenario of Male Breast Cancer Globally and efforts towards changing healthcare policies. I am honored to be on the panel with all the esteemed speakers.

100% of BCH services are free of cost, and 100% of donations are driven towards our mission (donor’s choice).

With heartfelt gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy. Breast Cancer Hub






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Wells Fargo Diwali 2024
3:10 PM15:10

Wells Fargo Diwali 2024


WELLS FARGO diwali event

Wellsfargo Diwali Event, Charlotte, October 30, 2024: On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), we are immensely thankful to Mr.Rakesh Yadav for supporting the cause of BCH and for the kind invitation, which allowed us to serve the Wellsfargo community and conduct Cancer awareness outreach. We thank Mr. Manish Mittal and Ms.Niketa Mittal for their support and to Mr. Ramakrishna Nallapati for all the help at the event.

To generate awareness, we distributed BCH brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also given to the community to provide awareness and education. We also provided BCH handcrafted essential Patient care package that contains Breast Cancer Surgery (also applicable for other cancers), heart-shaped pillow with a pocket to insert cold or hot pack providing comfort and healing, specialized Chemo port Seat Belt pillows to wear in the Car while seated, and Soft Hats for irritated scalp from chemo, beneficial for patients, along with handmade cards.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, on behalf of BCH family

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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The Black Student Union, UNC Charlotte
10:10 AM10:10

The Black Student Union, UNC Charlotte


The Black Student Union, UNC Charlotte

The Black Student Union, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Community Service Event (Packing Hope Kits): On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), I am thankful to Chandler Johnson for reaching out to me and extremely grateful to the organizing team and the volunteers who contributed their time to the making of the beautiful Hope kits for our patients, as a gesture of love and care.

To generate awareness, I gave Chandler to distribute to her team the BCH Pink bags, carrying brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards we made in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also included in the bag.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte
10:10 AM10:10

Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte


Central Piedmont Community College

BCH Service project with CPCC (Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, 29th October 2024: On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), we sincerely appreciate and thank Ms. Clare Case, for inviting BCH to collaborate.

We are highly thankful to all the students who contributed their time to the cause of BCH and volunteered to make Handwritten, creative, artistic cards for BCH patients to bring smiles to the faces of pediatric and adult cancer fighters. BCH provided all the write-up guidelines, and blank cards with templates. The cards are added to the BCH care package and given to BCH patients from North Carolina and across the USA as a gesture of love and care for our patients.

To generate awareness among the faculty and students, we also distributed BCH brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also given to the community to provide awareness and education. We also provided BCH handcrafted essential Patient care package that contains Breast Cancer Surgery (also applicable for other cancers), heart-shaped pillow with a pocket to insert cold or hot pack providing comfort and healing, specialized Chemo port Seat Belt pillows to wear in the Car while seated, and Soft Hats for irritated scalp from chemo, beneficial for patients, along with handmade cards.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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BCH Hurricane Relief
10:10 AM10:10

BCH Hurricane Relief


BCH hurricane relief

Hurricane Helene Relief, NC Mountains, October 2024: Thank you so much to each & every one who donated to the Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) Hurricane drive focusing on warm clothing & brought the donations to BCH OctoberFest on October 20, and subsequently donated to our North collection center. I am so grateful to Ms. Vibha Joglekar for connecting us to the Charity Baptist Church in Kannapolis and for her help throughout the process. We sorted, labeled, and dropped all the donations to the Church donation center as the truck departed at 6 PM on October 28. Our donations were sent to the hurricane-impacted families of Burnsville, NC. Immensely thankful to everyone who supported and a huge thanks to Ms. Monalisa Phukan, Ms. Meera Gogoi and Mr. Anit Phukan, for being the collection center in South Charlotte. Thank you Mr. Pramod Joglekar for your guidance.

On November 8th, we also donated other essential supplies to Ms. Stephanie Ramm, Concord City office, to be distributed to impacted families.

With gratitude

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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Earth Angel
10:10 AM10:10

Earth Angel


Earth angel breast cancer foundation

October 26, 2024: It was my honor to be invited by Mrs. Angel McCaskill and the Earth Angel Breast Cancer Foundation team to speak about Breast Cancer at the “Saddle up for a Cure Simply Pink Luncheon” in honor of Breast Cancer Thrivers. Salute to all the Cancer Fighters, you are our Heroes!

It was immensely fulfilling to provide BCH handcrafted essential care package to the Thrivers. The care package includes heart-shaped pillow with a pocket to insert cold or hot pack providing comfort and healing after Breast Cancer Surgery (also applicable for other cancers), specialized Chemo port Seat Belt pillows to wear in the Car while seated, and Soft Hats for irritated scalp from chemo, beneficial for patients, along with expressive cards with creative artwork to bring smiles to the patients.

During the outreach, on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), we also distributed the BCH Pink bags, carrying brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards we made in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also included in the bag.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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Piedmont Middle School-Girl Grind
10:10 AM10:10

Piedmont Middle School-Girl Grind


Piedmont Middle School-Girl Grind

Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) collaboration with Girl Grind at Piedmont Middle School, Charlotte, and conducting a Breast Cancer Awareness outreach on October 25, 2024: I was very excited to mentor the GirlGrind girls so that they could execute the awareness program. A huge shout-out to Ms. Chanel Henderson and the Girl Grind girls for their enthusiasm in performing the outreach and supporting the cause of Breast Cancer.

During the outreach, we distributed BCH brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also given to the school students to provide awareness and education. We also discussed our BCH handcrafted essential Patient care package that contains Breast Cancer Surgery (also applicable for other cancers), heart-shaped pillow with a pocket to insert cold or hot pack providing comfort and healing, specialized Chemo port Seat Belt pillows to wear in the Car while seated, and Soft Hats for irritated scalp from chemo, beneficial for patients, along with expressive cards with creative artwork to bring smiles to the patients”.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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BCH Dance for a Cause Competition - OctoberFest 2024
8:00 PM20:00

BCH Dance for a Cause Competition - OctoberFest 2024

BCH dance for a cause competition

2024 octoberfest

  • We are immensely thankful for each team member’s participation and exemplary performance, which reflects their hard work and dedication.

  • We are amazed by the Choreographers' creativity, with beautiful concepts, synchronization, expression, costume, and overall presentation

  • We are genuinely appreciative of our Judges’ time and expertise. Our judges come from diverse disciplines and bring broader perspectives to assessment, reflecting the culture of BCH.

photo gallery: BCH DANCE FOR A CAUSE

Snippet Video With HONORS OF participating teams & DANCE GLIMPSES OF WINNING TEAMS

BCH Dance for a Cause Snippet Video With Winning teams Dance glimpses



  • Dr. Maha Gingrich, Founder and Artistic Director of Dances of India, NC

  • Mrs. Seema Tiwari, Founder of Seema’s School of Dance/Junoon, IT professional working with Dell, NC

  • Dr. Pinku Mukherjee, Belk Distinguished Professor of Cancer Research; Interim Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School, UNC Charlotte; Founder of OncoTab Inc.Dr. Swetha Arshanapally, Hematologist/Oncologist, NC

  • Ms. Maria Marvels-Stubbs, 3 Times Breast Cancer Thriver, Founder of Pink Victory Inc, NC

  • Ms. Anusha Mishra, Breast Cancer Conqueror, Atlanta

  • Ms. Julie Daugherty, Global Business Development Leader at Multimetco Inc,, Board of Director, Breast Cancer Hub, Alabama



  • Champions: The Dancing Divas (Choreographer: Shikha Gusain): Kshethra Kandasamy, Neythri Vijay, Smithi Vijay, Aadhya Vinay, Sruti Karthik

  •  1st Runner Up: Natyam: (Choreographer: Sowmya Thalanki): Saanvi Thalanki, Aadya Karnati; Anshi Puram . Anagha Sowmya Indrakanti, Yashikha Deetya Medisetti, Saanvika Tatikonda

  • 2nd Runner Up: Neel Digantae (Choreographer: Jhansi Abburi): Neha Injeti 2. ⁠Sahasra Manepalli 3. ⁠Eesha Damidi 4. ⁠Sananda Ummalaneni 5.Smrithi Velesetti 6. Aanya Nimmala 7.Sarena Yeruva 8. Nakshatra Abburi

  •   1st Honorary Mention: The Divine Dancers (Choreographer:  Rutti Babu Mamakutty):  Viviaana Saravanan Palani, Sophia Khanal, Harini Prakash, Sanjana Prakash, Rishita Challa, Akshara Venkatesh, Pranavi Sivakumar, Krithika Surapuram, Roopa Gottumukkala, Shanvi Dhakal, Leeya Guragain, Aarya Adhikari, Armani Adhikari,  Sai Harshitha Ashwin, Shravan Venkatesh, Aadhya Sivaramakrishnan, Karthikeyan Yerra, Sarah Khanal

  •  2nd Honorary Mention: Masakali Dance Group (Choreographer: Jaya Parimi): Sanvi Parimi, Sri Gutta, Lakshmi Alluri, Joshitha Alluri, Riya Paritala, Samhita Nunna, Sanvi Jaggavarapu.

  • 3rd Honorary Mention: Team Janakul  (Choreographer: Siva Medisetti): Sahasra Surapuram, Sahasra Kilaru, Thiloka Male, Ananth Krishna Kondapi, Nakshatra Medisetti, Vivas Chimakurty


  • · Shiva Stotram: (Choreographer) Sudeshna Basu Sen: SaiKarthika  Kambala,  Ava Thomas, Mihika Das, Shruti Kamisetty, Ahana Puraswani,  Ishika Jain,  Myra Wattamwar, Aadhya Tiwari,  Trisha Bansal

  • MeGente Fusion: (Choreographer: Parul Verma) Saanvi Verma ; Simran Arora ; Riya Korrapati ; Shamyutha Koduru

  •   Rabasa Boys (Choreographer: Gnana Raj) Aashrtih Kambam, Ritvik Yenishetti, Akhil Narayanan,  Ritvik Vimal 

  • Demure Desi’s: (Choreographer: Ansh Manda): Kayal Balaji Viswanath, Sraddha Jaganath, Anika Reni, Aarav Shejekan, and Ansh Manda

  •    Victory Kids: (Choreographer: Vijaya Lakshmi Krishnan): Saanvi Bandlamudi, Sadhvi Jaggavarapu, Laasya Chimbili, Sivani Moganti, Saranya Rao, Pujitha Krishnamurthy, Isabel Karickal, Rithvik Thalari

  • Rahman Rockstars (Choreographer: Swati Agarwal.): Shirin Johnwin 2. Nila Gaspar 3. Thendral Elango 4. Varsha Premnath 5. Jyotsna Manikandan



  • Champion: (Choreographer: Rutti Babu M): Rutti Babu M, Prathusha Parasurama Vijayakumar, Deepika Peddakotla, Medha Mukati, Kamini Singh, Arathy Moothedath

  • 1st Runner Up: Natyanjali's Natya Mayuries (Choreographer: Prashanthini Shekhar): Tanushree Aara, Amudhan,Nikitha Arun,Sahana Senthil,Ansika Lakshmi Sirigireddy, Harshini Veeraraj, Koushiga Raja.

  • 2nd Runner UP: Free Spirited Women (Choreographer: Pratusha Anala): Anusha Anala, Aruna Guttula, Mohini Valavala, Pratusha Anala, Shobha Kondabathini, Saujanya Reddy

  • 1st Honorary Mention: Team Dazzlers (Choreographers: Bhadra Arun, Christa Mathew, Aabhapriya Rajith, Janki Vinod) : Aabhapriya Rajith, Amoolya Vikas, Bhadra Arun, Christa Mathew, Ganga S Nair, Harinee Jibeesh, Janki Vinod, Keerthana Vinukumar, Shruthi Kesavan Sreekumar

  • 2nd Honorary Mention: Blue Harmony (Choreographer: Ruthvika Kambam): Ruthvika Kambam, Medha Manda, Mahathi Manavala, Manasvi Vuppala, Saanvi Majji, and Deetya Chimakurty


  • Women Shakthi: (Choreographer: Ishwarya Ramiah): Nidiya Gaspar ; Navani Mathanasekaran; Sireesha Prithvi; Ishwarya Ramiah; Vidhya Bala; Jothirlatha Bala

  • Dancing Diva's (Choreographer: Deepika Peddakotla): Deepika Peddakotla, Sanjana Gopalakrishnan, Savitha Bhaskar, Suneetha Yerasi, Bhavani Sirikonda, Viva Mittal

  • The Krishna's Gopikas: (Choreographer: Venkata Raya): Advika Aella, Dhaitha Dasari, Pranavi Vadapalli, Ruthvika Yellanki, Sukruthy Madabhushani, Vedangi Kulkarni

  • Desi Bee's (Choreographer: Sowmyasri Thalanki): Sowmya sri Thalanki, Venkata sarika chennemsetty, Usha Thota, Manjusha Korlakunta, Anusha Sama, Padmaja sankabath

    We thank you,

    Dr Lopamudra Das Roy (Founder & President, BCH), On behalf of our BCH Family.
    100% of BCH Services are FREE and 100% of Donations received are Driven towards the Mission

A huge shout-out to our proud talented Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) volunteers

Video snippets of octoberfest 2024

BCH 2024 OctoberFest Snippet


Thank you for working hard to make the OctoberFest a memorable event and help raise funds for BCH with creative ideas, Fun-Filled activities for all ages, and Mouth-watering delicacies, generating A Festive mood. #TogetherWeSaveLives -

We offer our heartfelt thanks to BCH Board of Director Julie Daugherty, who traveled from Alabama and graced the occasion.


Event Management Head: Sourav Mukherjee, Rekha Dharmala, Ram Kambam, Neelakanti Yerra.

 Our phenomenal anchors: Saswati Collam and Idrisha Moulik.

Stage design and setup creatives: Priya Roy and Rekha Dharmala.

Event treasurer: Ramakrishna Nallapati.

Music arrangement, Photography, Videography team: Raju Sarikonda, Subhabrata Mukherjee, Subhadeep Mukherjee, Oindrila Sen, Indranil Sen, Jai Prajapati. We cannot be more grateful to Raju Sarikonda for video editing and composition.. Thank you, Vauhini Vakati, for your coordination.

Interview Bites : Subhabrata Mukerjee and Arav Mahankali


AWARDS: Rekha Dharmala: BCH Bronze Presidential Award Recipient for 2023 for investing 100 hours in volunteering with BCH in 2023

BCH Bravest Hero Award 2024 – Anusha Mishra – Breast Cancer Thriver; Ravina Kashyap – Colon Cancer Conqueror, Sarika Mohan-Breast Cancer Winner

We honored Anusha Aravind for her continued support. We couldn’t be more thankful to Dee’s We are Sew Creative for their contribution towards the making of BCH Care Package


OctoberFest Logistics Expenses Sponsors: GOLD SPONSORS ($1000): Bawarchi Indian Grill and Bar; ; Fiaz Syed (Infinant) – BCH 2024 OctoberFest Event School Rental Sponsor; BRONZE SPONSORS ($250): Akhil Gajjala, Neelima Kambhampati;

Save Lives ($1000): Sun Smile Foundation; Save a Family ($500): Satish Dantala, Deba Sarma, Divya Rakesh; Save a Life ($250): Shrutivandana (Leena Basu), Satish and Meera Suddala; Chandrasekhar Puchakayala, Sudhakar Sanikommu and family, Santulan Massage Therapy or Women, Venkat Malapati,  Darbesh

Photography and Videography: Darbesh, Subhodeep Mukerjee, Raju Sarikonda, Lion Lending Services, Gopal Kasarla (Mortgage Broker)


BCH Photo Booth Creative Team: Bhavani Sirikonda, Murali Reddy, Jagan Gundala.

T-shirt management table: Padma Gorty, Aparna Kompella, Sudha Jajimi.

Hurricane Disaster Relief Drive: Vibha and Pramod Joglekar.

BCH Marketing team: Vijayalakshmi Krishnan, Sheela Bhooshan, Satish Jaggavarapu, Hema Appaji, Ram Kambam, Santhi Sree Muthyala, Swapna Bordoloi, Aarti Sengupta, Savita Hiremath,

Sponsorship team: Hema Appaji, Lakshmi Pulipati, Swetha Devabhaktuni, Akhil Gajjala, Vauhini Vakati, Ram Kambam, Anu, Nithya Singaravelu , Reema Thakur

Backdrop flower making team: Priya Roy, Mamatha Jakkam, Padma Gorty, Savithri Krishnamurthy, Rekha Dharmala,Krishnaveni Loka, Vanaja  Gopal, Sana Roy

Backdrop and Photo booth setup: Sumantra Roy, Pramod Joglekar, Baburao, Balu, Hema, Veni, Sarika, Savithri, Murali, Lakshmi, Asha, Ramya, Laksmi, Vani

BCH Registration Team: Shrunu Allada, Anushka Ajay, Joys Mukherjee.

National Anthem: Agneya Roy


F-1 ($170): Cotton Candy Booth: Shreya Achar, Sihi Achar, Sanjana Srinivasan, Sophie Zhang and Kanchan Achar
F-2 ($300): Gulab Jamun, Boondi Laddoo, Pakoda: Dhana Mucharla,Madhavi Pesala,Krishna Smitha Nagalla& Roja Manda.
F-3 ($250): Semiya Kheer, Moong Dal and Punch: Ambika Shyamala, Parvathy Unnikrishnan, Radhika Unnikrishnan, Rajasree Pillai, Vinod Pillai, Athul Vikas
F-4 ($305): Bengali Sweets: Subhra Nandi, Swapan Nandi, Haimonti Baidya, Tania Roy, Aparna Das, Kaberi Puspala, Malobi Banerjee
F-5 ($85): Cake Pops: Roshini Gowri Shankar, Smita Jayaprakash, Sharanya Vudumula, Aarav Parikh, Nitya Bathina
F-6 ($300): Homemade Cookie Stall: Aashna Manchikatla, Diya Induru
F-7 ($500) – Also applied for Matching: Brownie & Bubble Boba drink: Sanvi Jaggavarapu, Nerusu Sai Siva Rohit, Nunna Lalit Vishwa, Riya Bellamkonda, Diya Bellamkonda, Priyanka Somepalli, Geetha Nunna
F-8 ($230): Science behind ice-cream: Tanvi Prabhu, Taran Prabhu, Mahalakshmi Ramani, Prabhu Maragathavannan
F-9 ($303): Organic baked bread loafs: Janakul kids: Santhi Sree Muthyala, Vibha Joglekar, Divya Mandava, Lavanya Dantuluri, Aneesha Kilaru, Neelima kondapi, Thiloka Male, Geetha Ranjani Meda, Chaithra Borra, Vihas Maganti, Jayanthika Nannapaneni, Aadhya patlolla, Chaithra Borra, Sarayu Gangineni, Haneesh Sajja, Monish Nannapaneni, Ayaan Bhavanasi, Ananth Krishna Kondapi ,Yodha Dantuluri, Saharsh Gangineni, Rohan Bhavanasi, Sahasra Kilaru, Karthikeya Yerra, Niyati Dantuluri, Sadhana Malladi, Advaitha Kondapi, Keerthana Kilaru.
F-10 ($235): Dahi Vada & Masala Vada: Moss Creek Ladies Team: Rekha , Lavanya, Sirisha, Vani
F-11 ($476): Mirchi & Bhel: Prathama kote, Tejas katikala, Ashna Katikala, Sudhir katikala, Anjana Ramanujam, Shriya Sarikonda, Rashmi Rangegowda, Kiranmai Thokachichu
F-12 ($450)-Also applied for Matching: Samosa Chole Chaat: Monalisa Phukan, Sapna Bordoloi, Chinmoyee, Bhattacharya, Amlan Baruah
F-13 ($150)-Also applied for matching: Homemade Hot Sauce: The Sapid Trio: Agastya Roy, Agneya Roy, Sandeep Roy
F-14 ($700) -Also applied for matching: Veg & Chicken Burger:
Sandeep Roy, Satish Jaggavarapu, Agastya Roy, Agneya Roy
F-15 ($350): Veg and Egg Pastry Puff: Mamatha Jakkam, Jnana Vinay Krishnamsetty, Bhanu Krishnamsetty
F-16 ($100): Butter Chicken/Panner with Naan, Tandoor Chicken: Khan's kitchen-Mohammed Khan, Farhan Khan, Sarrinah Khan, Marwan Khan, Anjum Fatima
F-17 ($625)-Also applied for Matching: Pav Bhaaji and Vada Pav: Moushumi Ghosh Behera, Pushpita Behera, Prasanta Behera
F-18 ($51): Paani Puri, Veg Hakka noodles, Veg Manchurian: Compass Cooking- Simran Chhablani, Anamika Mukherji.
F-19 ($315): Fried Rice & Chilli Chicken: Sangita Paul, Promit Paul Saha, Sakshi Saha, Prosenjit Saha
F-20 ($200): Pongal Utsav - Pongal, Idli, Chutney: Nandini Swain, Mala Mohanty, Hansika Malapati, Pallavi Gorrepati
F-21 ($1500)-Also applied for Matching: Biryani: Bhavani Sirikonda, Vijayalakshmi Krishnan, Jhansi Ramisetty, Pradeepti Kanagala, Geetha Nunna,  Bharani Gundala
F-22 ($160): Accio Lemonade: Gatik Arora, Anuvind, Rishi Mucharla, Arjun Aravind, Veer Tewari, Issac Sakariya, Simran Arora, Izzy Sakariya, Namrata Kachroo

F-23 ($500): Mango Lassi: Rishi Sarvepalli, Medha Mangallampalli, Vani Mangallampalli, Ravi Sarvepalli, Ritika Sarvepalli
F-24 ($312): Masala Chai: Hema Appaji, Jiten Devabhaktuni, Pradeepa Bonda, Ravina Kashyap, Swetha Devabhaktuni


Karaoke Stand ($150): Megan Dalsaniya, Manasi Iyer, Meghna Iyer, Druv A Dhar
NF-1 ($100): Robotics Games: Aashrith, Rudra, Ritvik, Akhil, Rekha, Sangeetha, Laxmi, Narayan, Vimal
NF-2 ($30): Bingo : Fun Games: Ananya Sriram, Rajeswari Sriram
NF-3 ($97): Table Basketball pong: Aarav Kandukuri, Vivas Chimakurty, Aarush Anumukonda, Roopa Manchikanti
NF-4 ($120): Pink Ribbon Books:Nirali Kedia, Ahana Srinath, Varshitha Karthikeyan, Prerana Gowda, Jyoshita Arun, Meghna Roy, Reaan Kedia, Archit Jugdar
NF-5 ($90): Self authored books: Shireen Collam, Kritikesh Karthik
NF-6 ($140): Self-authored books: Nandini Swain and Anvitha Varun
NF-7 ($150): Window Light Designs: Gracy Angel, Michelle Leo
NF-8 ($210): Handcrafted homemade decor (Maddie's art bench): Madhumita Sarkar, Rishaan Chatterjee
NF-9 ($100): Handmade Crochet items by Bluemoon Cozies: Raja Padmini Nerella, Aneesha Nerella
NF-10 ($78): Shining Diyas: Swetha Devabhaktuni,Aadhya Devabhaktuni, Anvita Valluru, Yashvi Devabhaktuni
NF-11 ($50): Traditional handloom carpets & clay products: Nithya Raj,Harshini Veeraraj, Veeraraj M, Shruti Shivakumar
NF-12 ($570): Plants- Janukul Kids: Santhi Sree Muthyala, Vibha Joglekar, Vibha Joglekar, Divya Mandava, Lavanya Dantuluri, Aneesha Kilaru, Neelima kondapi, Thiloka Male, Geetha Ranjani Meda, Chaithra Borra, Vihas Maganti, Jayanthika Nannapaneni, Aadhya patlolla, Chaithra Borra, Sarayu Gangineni, Haneesh Sajja, Monish Nannapaneni, Ayaan Bhavanasi, Ananth Krishna Kondapi ,Yodha Dantuluri, Saharsh Gangineni, Rohan Bhavanasi, Sahasra Kilaru, Karthikeya Yerra, Niyati Dantuluri, Sadhana Malladi, Advaitha Kondapi, Keerthana Kilaru
NF-13 ($70): Ayurvedic products in oil, tea: Aruna Patki,Om Bhupesh Patki, Bhupesh Patki, Soham Patki
NF-14 ($100): Henna (Bon Artistry): Arshiya Jabeen, Elyas Mohammed, Asfaar Mohammed, Aariz Mohammed, Aasir Mohammed
NF-15 ($110) Also applied for Matching:: Handmade cards :Tushita Bordoloi,Bedanta Bordoloi, Sapna Bordoloi
NF-16 ($90.50) Also applied for Matching:: Handmade Beaded Jewelry: Anisha Phukan, Aashna Phukan, Meera Gogoi,
Monalisa Phukan, Anit Phukan
NF-17 ($80): Handmade Jewelry (@sparkle_series): Lakshmi Manogna Bobbili, Sairam Mamidala, Soujanya Polishetty
NF-18 ($100): 100% handmade Jewelry & Home decor: Creative Roots LLC: Promita Bhattacharya, Dyuti Chatterjee
NF-19 ($51): Dazzle Me: Pooja Vohra, Vikram Vohra, Padma, Ashwini Sunder
NF-20 ($80): Soft Thread Boutique - Sonia Poddar, Mousumi Ghosh, Haasini Mallela
NF-21 ($250) Also applied for Matching: Sari Boutique: Kohon-Sudeshna Hazra
NF-22 ($239): Fomo Boutique: Ashwani Chandnani, Dainna Chandnani, Haritha Lakka
NF-23 ($200): Boutique (Jhanu's Couture) Jhansi Abburi, Anish Abburi, Sowmya Podduturi
NF-24 ($101): Customized Lehengas - Paper Pearls: Kalyani Joshi, Ishaan Mandal
NF-25 ($130): Handmade organic lip balms, hair oil, lotion bar: Crystal Clear Care
Shireen Pallikonda, Grace Gozycki. Vani Dasu. Mehreen Mir
NF-26 ($110): Handmade ⁠Fabric travel & storage pouches:
Suhasini Pallikonda, Salma Mir, Haritha Lakka, Aruna Edala.
NF-27 ($200): Handmade natural soap, Serum & Toner, bath soaks, beard oil: Geethanjali Manickavasagam, Viji Sunil, Divya Govindarajan

Management team:  Ruthvika Kambam, Nagavardhini Avuthu, Hansika Balanarayanan, Rishik Bandaru, Nafis Bhuiyam, Nidhi Bingu, Parnika Chukkaluri, Vivaan Eleti, Menith Fernando, Akhil Gajjala, Rithwik Garnaik, Reeva Gothoskar, Akshara Gurudu, Aditi Kandukuri, Sri Kumar Kantamneni, Namish Kondabathini, Natasha Kucheria, Eeshan Loka, Sreeshan Loka, Arav Mahankali, Aashrith Managari, Banashri Mandal, Sreshta Maruru, Gaby  Milcarek, Brijesh Murugesan, Adithya   Naga, Lalit Nunna, Siya Patil, Sahasra Poolugu, Moksha Ramidi, Akhila Siripuram, Anika Siripuram, Vamshi Siripuram,  Shritan Samavedam, Meenakshi Sanikommu, Sudhakar Sanikommu, Mihir Sedimbi, Ashwini Sunder, Sahil Tiwari, Mahi Valiveti, Laasya Vallurupalli, Pranitha Varakantham, Sachin Veldi, Lekhya Vidya, Ravi Y

With Gratitude

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy (Founder & President, BCH), On behalf of our BCH Family.
100% of BCH Services are FREE and 100% of Donations received are Driven towards the Mission

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BCH 2024 Octoberfest - Our Extraordinary Volunteers & Supporters
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BCH 2024 Octoberfest - Our Extraordinary Volunteers & Supporters

BCH 2024 Octoberfest - Proud Volunteers & Supporters Making a Difference

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Video snippets of octoberfest 2024

BCH OctoberFest 2024 Snippet Video

A huge shout-out to our proud extraordinarily talented Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) volunteers & Supporters

Thank you for working hard to make the OctoberFest a memorable event and help raise funds for BCH with creative ideas, Fun-Filled activities for all ages, and Mouth-watering delicacies, generating A Festive mood. #TogetherWeSaveLives -

We offer our heartfelt thanks to BCH Board of Director Julie Daugherty, who traveled from Alabama and graced the occasion.


Event Management Head: Sourav Mukherjee, Rekha Dharmala, Ram Kambam, Neelakanti Yerra.

 Our phenomenal anchors: Saswati Collam and Idrisha Moulik.

Stage design and setup creatives: Priya Roy and Rekha Dharmala.

Event treasurer: Ramakrishna Nallapati.

Music arrangement, Photography, Videography team: Raju Sarikonda, Subhabrata Mukherjee, Subhadeep Mukherjee, Oindrila Sen, Indranil Sen, Jai Prajapati. We cannot be more grateful to Raju Sarikonda for video editing and composition.. Thank you, Vauhini Vakati, for your coordination.

Interview Bites : Subhabrata Mukerjee and Arav Mahankali


AWARDS: Rekha Dharmala: BCH Bronze Presidential Award Recipient for 2023 for investing 100 hours in volunteering with BCH in 2023

BCH Bravest Hero Award 2024 – Anusha Mishra – Breast Cancer Thriver; Ravina Kashyap – Colon Cancer Conqueror, Sarika Mohan-Breast Cancer Winner

We honored Anusha Aravind for her continued support. We couldn’t be more thankful to Dee’s We are Sew Creative for their contribution towards the making of BCH Care Package


OctoberFest Logistics Expenses Sponsors: GOLD SPONSORS ($1000): Bawarchi Indian Grill and Bar; ; Fiaz Syed (Infinant) – BCH 2024 OctoberFest Event School Rental Sponsor; BRONZE SPONSORS ($250): Akhil Gajjala, Neelima Kambhampati;

Save Lives ($1000): Sun Smile Foundation; Save a Family ($500): Satish Dantala, Deba Sarma, Divya Rakesh; Save a Life ($250): Shrutivandana (Leena Basu), Satish and Meera Suddala; Chandrasekhar Puchakayala, Sudhakar Sanikommu and family, Santulan Massage Therapy or Women, Venkat Malapati,  Darbesh

Photography and Videography: Darbesh, Subhodeep Mukerjee, Raju Sarikonda, Lion Lending Services, Gopal Kasarla (Mortgage Broker)


BCH Photo Booth Creative Team: Bhavani Sirikonda, Murali Reddy, Jagan Gundala.

T-shirt management table: Padma Gorty, Aparna Kompella, Sudha Jajimi.

Hurricane Disaster Relief Drive: Vibha and Pramod Joglekar.

BCH Marketing team: Vijayalakshmi Krishnan, Sheela Bhooshan, Satish Jaggavarapu, Hema Appaji, Ram Kambam, Santhi Sree Muthyala, Swapna Bordoloi, Aarti Sengupta, Savita Hiremath,

Sponsorship team: Hema Appaji, Lakshmi Pulipati, Swetha Devabhaktuni, Akhil Gajjala, Vauhini Vakati, Ram Kambam, Anu, Nithya Singaravelu , Reema Thakur

Backdrop flower making team: Priya Roy, Mamatha Jakkam, Padma Gorty, Savithri Krishnamurthy, Rekha Dharmala,Krishnaveni Loka, Vanaja  Gopal, Sana Roy

Backdrop and Photo booth setup: Sumantra Roy, Pramod Joglekar, Baburao, Balu, Hema, Veni, Sarika, Savithri, Murali, Lakshmi, Asha, Ramya, Laksmi, Vani

BCH Registration Team: Shrunu Allada, Anushka Ajay, Joys Mukherjee.

National Anthem: Agneya Roy


F-1 ($170): Cotton Candy Booth: Shreya Achar, Sihi Achar, Sanjana Srinivasan, Sophie Zhang and Kanchan Achar
F-2 ($300): Gulab Jamun, Boondi Laddoo, Pakoda: Dhana Mucharla,Madhavi Pesala,Krishna Smitha Nagalla& Roja Manda.
F-3 ($250): Semiya Kheer, Moong Dal and Punch: Ambika Shyamala, Parvathy Unnikrishnan, Radhika Unnikrishnan, Rajasree Pillai, Vinod Pillai, Athul Vikas
F-4 ($305): Bengali Sweets: Subhra Nandi, Swapan Nandi, Haimonti Baidya, Tania Roy, Aparna Das, Kaberi Puspala, Malobi Banerjee
F-5 ($85): Cake Pops: Roshini Gowri Shankar, Smita Jayaprakash, Sharanya Vudumula, Aarav Parikh, Nitya Bathina
F-6 ($300): Homemade Cookie Stall: Aashna Manchikatla, Diya Induru
F-7 ($500) – Also applied for Matching: Brownie & Bubble Boba drink: Sanvi Jaggavarapu, Nerusu Sai Siva Rohit, Nunna Lalit Vishwa, Riya Bellamkonda, Diya Bellamkonda, Priyanka Somepalli, Geetha Nunna
F-8 ($230): Science behind ice-cream: Tanvi Prabhu, Taran Prabhu, Mahalakshmi Ramani, Prabhu Maragathavannan
F-9 ($303): Organic baked bread loafs: Janakul kids: Santhi Sree Muthyala, Vibha Joglekar, Divya Mandava, Lavanya Dantuluri, Aneesha Kilaru, Neelima kondapi, Thiloka Male, Geetha Ranjani Meda, Chaithra Borra, Vihas Maganti, Jayanthika Nannapaneni, Aadhya patlolla, Chaithra Borra, Sarayu Gangineni, Haneesh Sajja, Monish Nannapaneni, Ayaan Bhavanasi, Ananth Krishna Kondapi ,Yodha Dantuluri, Saharsh Gangineni, Rohan Bhavanasi, Sahasra Kilaru, Karthikeya Yerra, Niyati Dantuluri, Sadhana Malladi, Advaitha Kondapi, Keerthana Kilaru.
F-10 ($235): Dahi Vada & Masala Vada: Moss Creek Ladies Team: Rekha , Lavanya, Sirisha, Vani
F-11 ($476): Mirchi & Bhel: Prathama kote, Tejas katikala, Ashna Katikala, Sudhir katikala, Anjana Ramanujam, Shriya Sarikonda, Rashmi Rangegowda, Kiranmai Thokachichu
F-12 ($450)-Also applied for Matching: Samosa Chole Chaat: Monalisa Phukan, Sapna Bordoloi, Chinmoyee, Bhattacharya, Amlan Baruah
F-13 ($150)-Also applied for matching: Homemade Hot Sauce: The Sapid Trio: Agastya Roy, Agneya Roy, Sandeep Roy
F-14 ($700) -Also applied for matching: Veg & Chicken Burger:
Sandeep Roy, Satish Jaggavarapu, Agastya Roy, Agneya Roy
F-15 ($350): Veg and Egg Pastry Puff: Mamatha Jakkam, Jnana Vinay Krishnamsetty, Bhanu Krishnamsetty
F-16 ($100): Butter Chicken/Panner with Naan, Tandoor Chicken: Khan's kitchen-Mohammed Khan, Farhan Khan, Sarrinah Khan, Marwan Khan, Anjum Fatima
F-17 ($625)-Also applied for Matching: Pav Bhaaji and Vada Pav: Moushumi Ghosh Behera, Pushpita Behera, Prasanta Behera
F-18 ($51): Paani Puri, Veg Hakka noodles, Veg Manchurian: Compass Cooking- Simran Chhablani, Anamika Mukherji.
F-19 ($315): Fried Rice & Chilli Chicken: Sangita Paul, Promit Paul Saha, Sakshi Saha, Prosenjit Saha
F-20 ($200): Pongal Utsav - Pongal, Idli, Chutney: Nandini Swain, Mala Mohanty, Hansika Malapati, Pallavi Gorrepati
F-21 ($1500)-Also applied for Matching: Biryani: Bhavani Sirikonda, Vijayalakshmi Krishnan, Jhansi Ramisetty, Pradeepti Kanagala, Geetha Nunna,  Bharani Gundala
F-22 ($160): Accio Lemonade: Gatik Arora, Anuvind, Rishi Mucharla, Arjun Aravind, Veer Tewari, Issac Sakariya, Simran Arora, Izzy Sakariya, Namrata Kachroo

F-23 ($500): Mango Lassi: Rishi Sarvepalli, Medha Mangallampalli, Vani Mangallampalli, Ravi Sarvepalli, Ritika Sarvepalli
F-24 ($312): Masala Chai: Hema Appaji, Jiten Devabhaktuni, Pradeepa Bonda, Ravina Kashyap, Swetha Devabhaktuni


Karaoke Stand ($150): Megan Dalsaniya, Manasi Iyer, Meghna Iyer, Druv A Dhar
NF-1 ($100): Robotics Games: Aashrith, Rudra, Ritvik, Akhil, Rekha, Sangeetha, Laxmi, Narayan, Vimal
NF-2 ($30): Bingo : Fun Games: Ananya Sriram, Rajeswari Sriram
NF-3 ($97): Table Basketball pong: Aarav Kandukuri, Vivas Chimakurty, Aarush Anumukonda, Roopa Manchikanti
NF-4 ($120): Pink Ribbon Books:Nirali Kedia, Ahana Srinath, Varshitha Karthikeyan, Prerana Gowda, Jyoshita Arun, Meghna Roy, Reaan Kedia, Archit Jugdar
NF-5 ($90): Self authored books: Shireen Collam, Kritikesh Karthik
NF-6 ($140): Self-authored books: Nandini Swain and Anvitha Varun
NF-7 ($150): Window Light Designs: Gracy Angel, Michelle Leo
NF-8 ($210): Handcrafted homemade decor (Maddie's art bench): Madhumita Sarkar, Rishaan Chatterjee
NF-9 ($100): Handmade Crochet items by Bluemoon Cozies: Raja Padmini Nerella, Aneesha Nerella
NF-10 ($78): Shining Diyas: Swetha Devabhaktuni,Aadhya Devabhaktuni, Anvita Valluru, Yashvi Devabhaktuni
NF-11 ($50): Traditional handloom carpets & clay products: Nithya Raj,Harshini Veeraraj, Veeraraj M, Shruti Shivakumar
NF-12 ($570): Plants- Janukul Kids: Santhi Sree Muthyala, Vibha Joglekar, Vibha Joglekar, Divya Mandava, Lavanya Dantuluri, Aneesha Kilaru, Neelima kondapi, Thiloka Male, Geetha Ranjani Meda, Chaithra Borra, Vihas Maganti, Jayanthika Nannapaneni, Aadhya patlolla, Chaithra Borra, Sarayu Gangineni, Haneesh Sajja, Monish Nannapaneni, Ayaan Bhavanasi, Ananth Krishna Kondapi ,Yodha Dantuluri, Saharsh Gangineni, Rohan Bhavanasi, Sahasra Kilaru, Karthikeya Yerra, Niyati Dantuluri, Sadhana Malladi, Advaitha Kondapi, Keerthana Kilaru
NF-13 ($70): Ayurvedic products in oil, tea: Aruna Patki,Om Bhupesh Patki, Bhupesh Patki, Soham Patki
NF-14 ($100): Henna (Bon Artistry): Arshiya Jabeen, Elyas Mohammed, Asfaar Mohammed, Aariz Mohammed, Aasir Mohammed
NF-15 ($110) Also applied for Matching:: Handmade cards :Tushita Bordoloi,Bedanta Bordoloi, Sapna Bordoloi
NF-16 ($90.50) Also applied for Matching:: Handmade Beaded Jewelry: Anisha Phukan, Aashna Phukan, Meera Gogoi,
Monalisa Phukan, Anit Phukan
NF-17 ($80): Handmade Jewelry (@sparkle_series): Lakshmi Manogna Bobbili, Sairam Mamidala, Soujanya Polishetty
NF-18 ($100): 100% handmade Jewelry & Home decor: Creative Roots LLC: Promita Bhattacharya, Dyuti Chatterjee
NF-19 ($51): Dazzle Me: Pooja Vohra, Vikram Vohra, Padma, Ashwini Sunder
NF-20 ($80): Soft Thread Boutique - Sonia Poddar, Mousumi Ghosh, Haasini Mallela
NF-21 ($250) Also applied for Matching: Sari Boutique: Kohon-Sudeshna Hazra
NF-22 ($239): Fomo Boutique: Ashwani Chandnani, Dainna Chandnani, Haritha Lakka
NF-23 ($200): Boutique (Jhanu's Couture) Jhansi Abburi, Anish Abburi, Sowmya Podduturi
NF-24 ($101): Customized Lehengas - Paper Pearls: Kalyani Joshi, Ishaan Mandal
NF-25 ($130): Handmade organic lip balms, hair oil, lotion bar: Crystal Clear Care
Shireen Pallikonda, Grace Gozycki. Vani Dasu. Mehreen Mir
NF-26 ($110): Handmade ⁠Fabric travel & storage pouches:
Suhasini Pallikonda, Salma Mir, Haritha Lakka, Aruna Edala.
NF-27 ($200): Handmade natural soap, Serum & Toner, bath soaks, beard oil: Geethanjali Manickavasagam, Viji Sunil, Divya Govindarajan

Management team:  Ruthvika Kambam, Nagavardhini Avuthu, Hansika Balanarayanan, Rishik Bandaru, Nafis Bhuiyam, Nidhi Bingu, Parnika Chukkaluri, Vivaan Eleti, Menith Fernando, Akhil Gajjala, Rithwik Garnaik, Reeva Gothoskar, Akshara Gurudu, Aditi Kandukuri, Sri Kumar Kantamneni, Namish Kondabathini, Natasha Kucheria, Eeshan Loka, Sreeshan Loka, Arav Mahankali, Aashrith Managari, Banashri Mandal, Sreshta Maruru, Gaby  Milcarek, Brijesh Murugesan, Adithya   Naga, Lalit Nunna, Siya Patil, Sahasra Poolugu, Moksha Ramidi, Akhila Siripuram, Anika Siripuram, Vamshi Siripuram,  Shritan Samavedam, Meenakshi Sanikommu, Sudhakar Sanikommu, Mihir Sedimbi, Ashwini Sunder, Sahil Tiwari, Mahi Valiveti, Laasya Vallurupalli, Pranitha Varakantham, Sachin Veldi, Lekhya Vidya, Ravi Y

With Gratitude

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy (Founder & President, BCH), On behalf of our BCH Family.
100% of BCH Services are FREE and 100% of Donations received are Driven towards the Mission


  • We are immensely thankful for each team member’s participation and exemplary performance, which reflects their hard work and dedication.

  • We are amazed by the Choreographers' creativity, with beautiful concepts, synchronization, expression, costume, and overall presentation

  • We are genuinely appreciative of our Judges’ time and expertise. Our judges come from diverse disciplines and bring broader perspectives to assessment, reflecting BCH’s culture.

Snippet Video With HONORS OF participating teams & DANCE GLIMPSES OF WINNING TEAMS

photo gallery: BCH DANCE FOR A CAUSE


  • Dr. Maha Gingrich, Founder and Artistic Director of Dances of India, NC

  • Mrs. Seema Tiwari, Founder of Seema’s School of Dance/Junoon, IT professional working with Dell, NC

  • Dr. Pinku Mukherjee, Belk Distinguished Professor of Cancer Research; Interim Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School, UNC Charlotte; Founder of OncoTab Inc.Dr. Swetha Arshanapally, Hematologist/Oncologist, NC

  • Ms. Maria Marvels-Stubbs, 3 Times Breast Cancer Thriver, Founder of Pink Victory Inc, NC

  • Ms. Anusha Mishra, Breast Cancer Conqueror, Atlanta

  • Ms. Julie Daugherty, Global Business Development Leader at Multimetco Inc,, Board of Director, Breast Cancer Hub, Alabama



  • Champions: The Dancing Divas (Choreographer: Shikha Gusain): Kshethra Kandasamy, Neythri Vijay, Smithi Vijay, Aadhya Vinay, Sruti Karthik

  •  1st Runner Up: Natyam: (Choreographer: Sowmya Thalanki): Saanvi Thalanki, Aadya Karnati; Anshi Puram . Anagha Sowmya Indrakanti, Yashikha Deetya Medisetti, Saanvika Tatikonda

  • 2nd Runner Up: Neel Digantae (Choreographer: Jhansi Abburi): Neha Injeti 2. ⁠Sahasra Manepalli 3. ⁠Eesha Damidi 4. ⁠Sananda Ummalaneni 5.Smrithi Velesetti 6. Aanya Nimmala 7.Sarena Yeruva 8. Nakshatra Abburi

  •   1st Honorary Mention: The Divine Dancers (Choreographer:  Rutti Babu Mamakutty):  Viviaana Saravanan Palani, Sophia Khanal, Harini Prakash, Sanjana Prakash, Rishita Challa, Akshara Venkatesh, Pranavi Sivakumar, Krithika Surapuram, Roopa Gottumukkala, Shanvi Dhakal, Leeya Guragain, Aarya Adhikari, Armani Adhikari,  Sai Harshitha Ashwin, Shravan Venkatesh, Aadhya Sivaramakrishnan, Karthikeyan Yerra, Sarah Khanal

  •  2nd Honorary Mention: Masakali Dance Group (Choreographer: Jaya Parimi): Sanvi Parimi, Sri Gutta, Lakshmi Alluri, Joshitha Alluri, Riya Paritala, Samhita Nunna, Sanvi Jaggavarapu.

  • 3rd Honorary Mention: Team Janakul  (Choreographer: Siva Medisetti): Sahasra Surapuram, Sahasra Kilaru, Thiloka Male, Ananth Krishna Kondapi, Nakshatra Medisetti, Vivas Chimakurty


  • · Shiva Stotram: (Choreographer) Sudeshna Basu Sen: SaiKarthika  Kambala,  Ava Thomas, Mihika Das, Shruti Kamisetty, Ahana Puraswani,  Ishika Jain,  Myra Wattamwar, Aadhya Tiwari,  Trisha Bansal

  • MeGente Fusion: (Choreographer: Parul Verma) Saanvi Verma ; Simran Arora ; Riya Korrapati ; Shamyutha Koduru

  •   Rabasa Boys (Choreographer: Gnana Raj) Aashrtih Kambam, Ritvik Yenishetti, Akhil Narayanan,  Ritvik Vimal 

  • Demure Desi’s: (Choreographer: Ansh Manda): Kayal Balaji Viswanath, Sraddha Jaganath, Anika Reni, Aarav Shejekan, and Ansh Manda

  •    Victory Kids: (Choreographer: Vijaya Lakshmi Krishnan): Saanvi Bandlamudi, Sadhvi Jaggavarapu, Laasya Chimbili, Sivani Moganti, Saranya Rao, Pujitha Krishnamurthy, Isabel Karickal, Rithvik Thalari

  • Rahman Rockstars (Choreographer: Swati Agarwal.): Shirin Johnwin 2. Nila Gaspar 3. Thendral Elango 4. Varsha Premnath 5. Jyotsna Manikandan



  • Champion: (Choreographer: Rutti Babu M): Rutti Babu M, Prathusha Parasurama Vijayakumar, Deepika Peddakotla, Medha Mukati, Kamini Singh, Arathy Moothedath

  • 1st Runner Up: Natyanjali's Natya Mayuries (Choreographer: Prashanthini Shekhar): Tanushree Aara, Amudhan,Nikitha Arun,Sahana Senthil,Ansika Lakshmi Sirigireddy, Harshini Veeraraj, Koushiga Raja.

  • 2nd Runner UP: Free Spirited Women (Choreographer: Pratusha Anala): Anusha Anala, Aruna Guttula, Mohini Valavala, Pratusha Anala, Shobha Kondabathini, Saujanya Reddy

  • 1st Honorary Mention: Team Dazzlers (Choreographers: Bhadra Arun, Christa Mathew, Aabhapriya Rajith, Janki Vinod) : Aabhapriya Rajith, Amoolya Vikas, Bhadra Arun, Christa Mathew, Ganga S Nair, Harinee Jibeesh, Janki Vinod, Keerthana Vinukumar, Shruthi Kesavan Sreekumar

  • 2nd Honorary Mention: Blue Harmony (Choreographer: Ruthvika Kambam): Ruthvika Kambam, Medha Manda, Mahathi Manavala, Manasvi Vuppala, Saanvi Majji, and Deetya Chimakurty


  • Women Shakthi: (Choreographer: Ishwarya Ramiah): Nidiya Gaspar ; Navani Mathanasekaran; Sireesha Prithvi; Ishwarya Ramiah; Vidhya Bala; Jothirlatha Bala

  • Dancing Diva's (Choreographer: Deepika Peddakotla): Deepika Peddakotla, Sanjana Gopalakrishnan, Savitha Bhaskar, Suneetha Yerasi, Bhavani Sirikonda, Viva Mittal

  • The Krishna's Gopikas: (Choreographer: Venkata Raya): Advika Aella, Dhaitha Dasari, Pranavi Vadapalli, Ruthvika Yellanki, Sukruthy Madabhushani, Vedangi Kulkarni

  • Desi Bee's (Choreographer: Sowmyasri Thalanki): Sowmya sri Thalanki, Venkata sarika chennemsetty, Usha Thota, Manjusha Korlakunta, Anusha Sama, Padmaja sankabath

    We thank you,

    Dr Lopamudra Das Roy (Founder & President, BCH), On behalf of our BCH Family.
    100% of BCH Services are FREE and 100% of Donations received are Driven towards the Mission

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6:00 AM06:00



Synechron USA and Toronto, October 16, 2024: On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), I sincerely thank Ekata Saha for the great initiative in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month, and inviting me to speak about Breast Cancer Early detection screening at Synechron Charlotte office, and collaborating with BCH for our Card making service project. Thank you Ekata Saha, Chitra Kuppuswamy, and the organizing team, for executing the workshop at Synechron Charlotte, New York and Canada offices. We are incredibly thankful to all the Synechron volunteers who contributed their time in writing expressive cards with creative artwork.. The cards are shared as part of the BCH Care Packages with our BCH Cancer fighters, a gesture of our love and care.

To generate education, we shared with the teams, BCH brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also given to the teams. We also discussed BCH handcrafted essential Patient care package that contains Breast Cancer Surgery (also applicable for other cancers), heart-shaped pillow with a pocket to insert cold or hot pack providing comfort and healing, specialized Chemo port Seat Belt pillows to wear in the Car while seated, and Soft Hats for irritated scalp from chemo, beneficial for patients.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub Family

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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BCH Committee with HOSA in Northwest Cabarrus High School
10:10 AM10:10

BCH Committee with HOSA in Northwest Cabarrus High School


BCH committee with hosa in Northwest Cabarrus High School

Initiation of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) Committee with HOSA Club in Northwest Cabarrus High School, NC, in October 2024: A huge shout-out to Mahika Chadalavada for starting BCH Committee within HOSA club and all thanks to Ms. Kenya Winecoff, for approval and permission, supporting the cause. It was wonderful meeting the HOSA officers, and explaining the mission and vision of BCH, as we collaborated.

On behalf of BCH, we designed the committee activities to make a meaningful difference. They are not just tasks but opportunities to contribute to a cause that can change lives with no cost to be incurred by the school.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).

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Trevi Senior Living 2024
6:00 AM06:00

Trevi Senior Living 2024

Breast Cancer awareness session at Trevi Senior Living

Breast Cancer Awareness Session at Trevi Senior Living, Charlotte, on October 14, 2024: Thank you Renada Weathersbee, and your team for inviting me, it was my immense pleasure to support the Senior Resident cohort. After the awareness seminar, we provided the Breast Cancer Hub brochure with the QR codes to download the early detection cards, and contact information, so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. We also handed out a wristband with a combination color of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks with the message of togetherness. We mentioned about BCH Patient care package, which includes the post- cancer surgery comfort pillows with a pocket that allows using a cold or hot pack as part of the healing, chemo port seat belt pillows and chemo hats, a gesture of our love and care.

100% of BCH services are free of cost, and 100% of donations are driven towards our mission (donor’s choice).

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of BCH family


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UNC Charlotte—Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority In
1:00 AM01:00

UNC Charlotte—Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority In

UNC Charlotte—Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority In, 2024

UNC Charlotte—Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc: Stand Up Against Breast Cancer, October 09, 2024: Thank you, Dayianna Darty-Little, for inviting me to speak about Breast Cancer and how Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) provides grassroots sustainable solutions with our 100% free services. It was my honor to share the platform with Angela Donald, a Breast Cancer survivor who shared her powerful journey. A huge shout out to Dayianna, the organizing team members for the flawless execution, and thanks to the esteemed groups who joined us, supporting the cause.

“At the event, we provided pink bags with life-saving educational information, that included BCH brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and my contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also given to the community to provide awareness and education. We also offered care with our BCH handcrafted essential Patient care package to those who mentioned their family and/or friends undergoing treatment. Our bundle contained Breast Cancer Surgery (also applicable for other cancers), heart-shaped pillow with a pocket to insert cold or hot pack providing comfort and healing, specialized Chemo port Seat Belt pillows to wear in the Car while seated, and Soft Hats for irritated scalp from chemo, beneficial for patients, along with expressive cards with creative artwork to bring smiles to the patients”.

100% BCH services are Free of Cost and 100% of donations driven toward our Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice)

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub Family


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Concord International Festival
1:00 AM01:00

Concord International Festival

Concord International Festival, 2024

Concord International Festival, October 05, 2024: BCH - Cancer Awareness, Community Outreach: On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), we are extremely thankful to Sandra Torres, Natalie Marles, and the Concord International Festival Organizers for giving BCH the opportunity and supporting our cause. Thank you, Namrata Kachroo, for letting me know about the event details; so kind of you.

A huge thanks to our BCH youth ambassadors Amoolya Vikas, Deetya Cheemakurty, Vivaan Eleti, and Eeshan Loka for volunteering at the event, spreading the message of Early detection and Prevention, Screening of Cancer, and discussing BCH's grassroots diverse missions.

“At the outreach, we distributed BCH brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also given to the community to provide awareness and education. We also offered care with our BCH handcrafted essential Patient care package to those who mentioned their family undergoing treatment. Our bundle contained Breast Cancer Surgery (also applicable for other cancers), heart-shaped pillow with a pocket to insert cold or hot pack providing comfort and healing, specialized Chemo port Seat Belt pillows to wear in the Car while seated, and Soft Hats for irritated scalp from chemo, beneficial for patients, along with expressive cards with creative artwork to bring smiles to the patients”.

100% BCH services are Free of Cost and 100% of donations driven toward our Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice)

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub Family


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Kendra Scott
11:00 AM11:00

Kendra Scott

Kendra scott

Thank you, Kendra Scott, Charlotte division, Lauren Ricketts and Anna, for inviting Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) to generate awareness on Breast Cancer on October 01, 2024. Thank you for the donation of $29 to BCH.

“At the outreach, we distributed the BCH Pink bags to each family, carrying brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also included in the bag. We also discussed our BCH handcrafted Patient care package, which included the post-breast cancer surgery comfort pillows with a pocket that allows using a cold or hot pack as part of the healing, chemo port seat belt pillows and chemo hats, a gesture of our love and care”.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub Family

100% BCH services are FREE and 100% donations driven to donor’s bucket of choice


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11:00 AM11:00



Taking care of breast health is essential, and it is fantastic that the KIRAN team supports the cause by organizing an Awareness webinar on September 25, 2024. Thank you, Aparna Gopali, Seema Kak, Ramya Ravichandran, for the great initiative and inviting me to speak on Breast Cancer and Breast Cancer Hub’s grassroots sustainable solutions. Hats off to Kiran's incredible vision of helping women who are victims of domestic violence, as KIRAN acts as a crisis counseling agency that serves South Asians in North Carolina.

I am grateful to Aparna, Seema, and Ramya for supporting the cause of BCH and for your kind words of appreciation, which means a lot to me and the mission of BCH.

I cannot thank you enough,

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub Family

100% BCH services are FREE and 100% donations driven to donor’s bucket of choice


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Wells Fargo CSBB Deposit Group
8:00 AM08:00

Wells Fargo CSBB Deposit Group

Wells fargo, csbb deposit group, charlotte, nc - BCH service project

BCH Service project with Wells Fargo CSBB Deposit Group, Charlotte, NC, 24th September 2024: On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), we highly appreciate Deepti Manai's great initiative and thank her for inviting BCH to collaborate. We are incredibly thankful to all the Wells Fargo volunteers who contributed their time to the cause of BCH and volunteered at the event.

The two BCH service projects completed by Wells Fargo volunteers:

a) Handwritten creative artistic cards for patients: Wells Fargo volunteers wrote expressive cards with creative artwork to bring smiles to the faces of pediatric and adult cancer patients. BCH provided all the write-up guidelines, blank cards with templates, and resources. The cards are added to the BCH care package and given to BCH patients from North Carolina and across the USA as a gesture of love and care for our patients.

b)     Packaging BCH Outreach Pink Bags later distributed by BCH during their community outreaches (Materials provided by BCH): The items in the pink bag assembled by Wells Fargo volunteers were 1) A brochure with BCH’s 100% Free services programs information, along with the QR codes to download the Breast Self-Exam Cards for All Genders BCH generated in 24 languages, in addition to QR code to download the Live Saving One Stop Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, with my contact information, so that any suspicious case can reach out to her later, for help and treatment guidance; 2) a wristband and a keyring with combination color of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with 3) two bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as BCH also fights against all types of Cancers through BCH Wings-Cancer Hubs.

We thank Wells Fargo CSBB Deposit group,

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub Family

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).


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BCH Hall of Fame Quiz
11:00 AM11:00

BCH Hall of Fame Quiz

BCH hall of fame quiz 2024 in honor of childhood cancer awareness

BCH Hall of Fame QUIZ On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub Wing-Childhood Cancer Hub in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month hosted on September 22, 2024.

A huge round of applause to our esteemed Quizmasters, Mr. Shantanu Das and Mr. Amaresh Tripathy, the best in Charlotte, for their fascinating, unique, thought-provoking questions, which gave the participants the best learning experience. We are grateful to our Quizmasters for investing their time, invaluable insights, and expertise in executing the Quiz.

It was our privilege to have Karthikeya Yerra, our brave Childhood Cancer advocate, as our Guest of Honor, our inspirational Hero!

Our heartfelt thanks to all the Middle School (BCH Trivially Yours) and High School (QuizzleMania) teams who joined in. Each team is a winner for stepping up to participate. Congratulations to the final six teams, and a huge shout-out to the Top three winners after the intriguing Ties in prelims and Finals. Thank you, parents, for your support! Thank you, Anusha Aravind, for gracing the occasion. Thank you to all our volunteers who helped execute the event!

Announcing the names:

Trivially yours (Middle School) Winners: Champion (Rishi Mucharla , Gatik Arora, Agneya Roy); 1st Runner Up (Charvika Chappidi,  Hari Priya Suram, Karnika Telang); 2nd Runner Up (Aarav Shejekan, Arjun Savanur).

Quizzlemania (High School) Winners: Champion (Vedha Bommineni, Sreeja Vangala, Anusri Poreddy); 1st Runner up (Neha Rasheed, Ansh); 2nd Runner Up (Ansika Lakshmi Sirigireddy, Sahith Reddy Chappidi, Sahana Shreya Senthil).

Trivially yours Finalists: Smera Jeethendra, Chitanya Kishore,Roha Bahunutula ; Satvi Eadala, Ava Thomas, Samhita Nunna; Reaan Kedia, Archit Jugdar, Xander Wang.

Quizzlemania Finalists : Kaveesh Balaji, Ishan Narway; Krithikesh Karthik, Ryan Rodriguez, Harshini Veeraraj; Arjun Aravind, Rohan Apte, Tanvi Prabhu.

Trivially yours participants: Leoma Dias, Grace Hightower, Arlo Zeibert, Riya Bellamkonda, Sanvi Jaggavarapu, Diya Bellamkonda.

Quizzlemania participants: Haashini Balasubramanian, Harika Ravipati; . Diya Induru, Sriyans Annareddy, Mahika Chadalavada; Adithya Nagasubramanya, Rithwik Garnaik, Agastya Roy.

Event volunteers: Neel Madhav Tripathy, Akshara Gurudu, Inchara Gopinath , Sanjana Gopalakrishnan, Lekhya Vidya, Minakshi Nagavardhini, Sahasra Poolugu

Marketing volunteers: Neel Madhav Tripathy, Akshara Gurudu, Anish Ghosh, Janki Vinod, Sanjana Gopalakrishnan, Viva Mittal

We are proud of each participant, finalist, winner, and volunteer. Thank you all for your support and participation!

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub Family

100% BCH services are FREE and 100% donations driven to donor’s bucket of choice


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Diwali Mela, Fomo Boutique, Charlotte, NC
1:00 AM01:00

Diwali Mela, Fomo Boutique, Charlotte, NC

diwali mela 2024, Fomo boutique, Charlotte, nc, september 22. 2024

Diwali Mela 2024, Charlotte, NC, September 22, 2024: BCH - Cancer Awareness, Community Outreach: On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), we are extremely thankful to Dainna Ramchandani and Fomo Boutique, for giving BCH the opportunity and supporting our cause with your kindest gestures.

We cannot be more grateful to our BCH Adult volunteers Lakshmi Pulipati, Maheshwari Duraiswami, Hema Appaji, for taking the time from their precious schedule and stepping up for the cause. A huge thanks to our BCH youth ambassadors Janki Vinod, Hannah Joseph, Vivaan Eleti for volunteering at the event, spreading the message of Early detection Screening of Cancer, discussing the grassroots diverse missions of BCH, by giving out the brochure with the QR codes to download the early detection cards, and contact information, so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. We also handed out a wristband with a combination color of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks with the message of togetherness. We also discussed our Patient care package, which included the post-surgery mastectomy or lumpectomy comfort pillows with a pocket that allows using a cold or hot pack as part of the healing, chemo port seat belt pillows and chemo hats, a gesture of our love and care.

100% BCH services are Free of Cost and 100% of donations driven toward our Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice)

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub Family


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KDTF - Stuti Patra
8:00 AM08:00

KDTF - Stuti Patra


Kids dream too foundation (kdtf) - stuti patra

Charlotte, NC, September 21, 2024: I cannot be more proud of Stuti Patra (BCH ambassador) for inviting me to generate awareness about BCH’s mission and vision at the Fall Picnic Event organized by the Kids Dream Too Foundation (KDTF). A huge shout-out to Stuti’s fundraising initiative as Youth ambassador of Kids Dream Too Foundation (KDTF) and donating $1500 to Breast Cancer Hub (BCH). 100% of the Giving received will be directed towards BCH’s Cancer screening and treatment for the underprivileged sectors, which will help save lives. On behalf of BCH, I thank Mrs. Ranjita Mohanty (President-KDTF), Mrs. Sugyani Patra, and everyone who contributed towards Stuti’s fundraiser and supported the cause of BCH. I am so amazed by Stuti’s dedication and commitment.

“During the awareness outreach, we distributed the BCH Pink bags to each family, carrying brochures with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards we made in 24 languages for Her and Him, Early detection cards for other prevalent cancers, created by BCH, and contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. A wristband and a keyring with combination colors of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks symbolizing different ribbon colors as we fight against all types of Cancers, with the message of togetherness were also included in the bag. We also discussed our BCH handcrafted Patient care package, which included the post-breast cancer surgery comfort pillows with a pocket that allows using a cold or hot pack as part of the healing, chemo port seat belt pillows and chemo hats, a gesture of our love and care”.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, Breast Cancer Hub

100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).

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2024 Festival of India @Charlotte, USA
1:00 PM13:00

2024 Festival of India @Charlotte, USA

Festival of India @Charlotte, NC, USA: BCH - Cancer Awareness, Community Outreach, NC, september 14, 2024

Festival of India @Charlotte, NC, USA: BCH - Cancer Awareness, Community Outreach, September 14, 2024: On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), we are extremely thankful to Dr Jigisha Shah, Niketa Mittal, Sneha Shah, Manisha Kulshrestha, Mini Kartha, and the Festival of India (FOI) organizing team for giving BCH the opportunity and supporting our cause of grassroots sustainable solutions.

One of my missions through BCH is to inculcate the art of scientific thinking & thought leadership in the youth, to motivate the youngsters to serve mankind, by creating a social impact, and stepping up to help save lives. A huge shout-out to our Youth Ambassadors: Aditya Nagasubramanya, Yashvi Devabhaktuni, Janki Vinod, Rishi Sarvepalli, Atharva Khatavkar, and Vivaan Eleti for volunteering at the event, spreading the message of Early detection Screening of Cancer, discussing the grassroots diverse missions of BCH, by giving out the brochure with the QR codes to download the early detection cards, and contact information, so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. We also handed out a wristband with a combination color of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks with the message of togetherness. We also discussed our Patient care package, which included the post-surgery mastectomy or lumpectomy comfort pillows with a pocket that allows using a cold or hot pack as part of the healing, chemo port seat belt pillows and chemo hats, a gesture of our love and care.

Thank you Agastya Roy for his help in setting up and wrapping up.

100% BCH services are Free of Cost and 100% of donations driven toward our Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice)

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub Family


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