Breast Cancer awareness session at Trevi Senior Living

Breast Cancer Awareness Session at Trevi Senior Living, Charlotte, on October 14, 2024: Thank you Renada Weathersbee, and your team for inviting me, it was my immense pleasure to support the Senior Resident cohort. After the awareness seminar, we provided the Breast Cancer Hub brochure with the QR codes to download the early detection cards, and contact information, so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. We also handed out a wristband with a combination color of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks with the message of togetherness. We mentioned about BCH Patient care package, which includes the post- cancer surgery comfort pillows with a pocket that allows using a cold or hot pack as part of the healing, chemo port seat belt pillows and chemo hats, a gesture of our love and care.
100% of BCH services are free of cost, and 100% of donations are driven towards our mission (donor’s choice).
With gratitude,
Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of BCH family