San Antonio breast cancer symposium - poster presentation

Very happy to share that we have a second research which is a Case Study, that got accepted at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS); Title: “Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) Case Study in Nadia District, West Bengal—Addressing Breast Cancer Challenges in Villages in India with Grassroots Sustainable Solution”, and was presented on 12th December 2024 by Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, the Principal investigator of the study. A massive shout-out to BCH Nadia Village team, Ratna Basak, Sima Basak, Rimpa Biswas, Sabarna Saraswati, and Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, for executing the case study. We are thankful to Akhaya Mohanty for the support. The case highlights the systemic issues in breast cancer care in developing regions, where lack of awareness, inadequate healthcare infrastructure, and financial constraints delay or prevent treatment. BCH’s unique, trendsetting efforts are helping save lives in untapped sectors. These efforts underscore the need to revise the guidelines to address these challenges effectively, necessitating policy changes and targeted healthcare strategies to serve vulnerable populations better.
In addition, BCH was awarded the Poster Spotlight Award for another study at the same SABCS conference. Title: Door-to-door Breast Cancer Screening in 22,278 populaces from February 2020 to April 2024: Breast Cancer Hub’s Trendsetting Grassroots Sustainable Solutions, overcoming the Disparity, and Challenges in the Rural Remote Villages in Poverty, of Assam, India.
100% of BCH services are Free of cost and 100% of Donations are driven towards the Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).