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Navarasa, NCSU


Navarasa 2024, ncsu

Navarasa, North Carolina State University, 24th February 2024: On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), we are thankful to Shrinidhi Gunda, Novietta De Britto, and the team of Navarasa for inviting me to speak about the cause and choosing BCH, as your charity of choice and donating $520.87 towards BCH Villages Adoption & Patient Treatment Aid project.

On behalf of BCH, we distributed The pink bag to each family, that carried the brochure with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam cards for Her and Him in 24 languages and one-stop Life-saving Early Detection Cards for other prevalent cancers, and my contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. The wristband with a combination color of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks with the message of togetherness were also included in the bag.

With gratitude,

Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, on behalf of BCH Family

100% of BCH Services are Free and 100% Donations driven towards our Mission (Donor’s Bucket of Choice)