BCH Youth Ambassador Project 2020
Please Sign up if you are passionate about Science & Community Service! It's a Free Program and Seats are Limited. Click here to Sign up if you are interested:
Please Sign up if you are passionate about Science & Community Service! It's a Free Program and Seats are Limited. Click here to Sign up if you are interested:
Breast Cancer Hub is honored to collaborate with the Heartfulness on the International Day of Yoga as we believe that Meditation, Yoga, Music lead to positive impact on health. The Heartfulness Institute is organizing a virtual live event with musicians Shankar Mahadevan and Pandit Jasraj along with YogRishi Ramdevji and the Global Guide of Heartfulness Kamleshji Patel, also known as Daaji. Please join us & enjoy the feeling of oneness...It’s a Free Event.
Humbled to be invited by Carolina Breast Friends to speak about “Role of Inflammation in Cancer Progression”.
May 22, 2020
Thanks so much CNS & IIM Indore for the initiative. Honored to be on the panel..
Here’s the Full session
"Reality check on preventing breast cancer and averting untimely deaths." Sustainable Development e-Talks (#SDGtalks) series co-hosted by CNS and Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore.
1545 HOMEMADE MASKS Made under strict BCH Guidelines with NEW UNUSED 100% COTTON FABRIC, FILTER POCKETS. All 1545 MASKS DONATED to ~ 26 Organizations in a span of 38 DAYS - in NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA & CHICAGO,IL
Click here to learn about our project https://www.breastcancerhub.org/covid19-project
1545 HOMEMADE MASKS Made under strict BCH Guidelines with NEW UNUSED 100% COTTON FABRIC, FILTER POCKETS. All 1545 MASKS DONATED to ~ 26 Organizations in a span of 38 DAYS - in NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA & CHICAGO,IL
Click here to learn about our project https://www.breastcancerhub.org/covid19-project
1545 HOMEMADE MASKS Made under strict BCH Guidelines with NEW UNUSED 100% COTTON FABRIC, FILTER POCKETS. All 1545 MASKS DONATED to ~ 26 Organizations in a span of 38 DAYS - in NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA & CHICAGO,IL. Meet the amazing selfless team.
Click here to learn about our project https://www.breastcancerhub.org/covid19-projects/#covid19-project
Everyone is welcome to join if you are interested: Topic: “Realty check on preventing Breast Cancer & averting untimely deaths”. May 22: 9:30 AM EST; 7PM IST. You probably have to register first. Here is the ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/vpcld-Gprjkpfj05YWEIm1MDkNEElxLyjw
The Male Breast Cancer Coalition & Ciitizen announces the 100 Strong Campaign creating a robust cohort of men capable of choosing their records for research.
Sign up for Ciitizen to be 100 Strong! It is completely Free!
“We have less experimental data with Male Breast Cancer versus Female Breast Cancer. Therefore, Breast Cancer Hub collaborates with Male Breast Cancer Coalition to conduct more epidemiological research study on Male Breast Cancer & eventually taking the path towards understanding the therapeutic approach specific for Male Breast Cancer”.
Dr Lopamudra Das Roy
Breast Cancer Hub wing- Colon Cancer Hub 2 K Walk for Colon Cancer Awareness to be held on March 15 (Free event) is Postponed due to State of Emergency declared in North Carolina from Coronavirus outbreak. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and will confirm the new date keeping the health of our community as the priority since our walk equally involves children-youngsters, cancer advocates & senior citizens’ participation.
We look forward to your participation when we host the event after the coronavirus crisis.
Ravina Kashyap , Neelakant Yerra & Lopamudra Das Roy,
On behalf of BCH family
Our heartfelt thanks to Kaberi Chatterjee Our BCH Ambassador- our community leader, for your great initiative by conduting the session on Breast Cancer Awareness. Our sincere gratitude to Ravina Kashyap, BCHColonCancerHub Advocate Ambassador-our Hero-for generating the awareness on Colon cancer signs & symptoms.
We are immensely grateful to Smita Kataria for the beautiful women’s day celebration on March 07, 2020 while celebrating her birthday & giving Breast Cancer Hub the opportununity to spread the word about early detection & how each of us can carry the message to our own network & help save Lives. Kaberi, Ravina, Smita- you are so amazing! Thank you for your selfless gestures.
Smita Kataria, physical therapist practicing geriatric population in slikked nursing homes last 6 years & practicing therapist for last 14 years.
Post by Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy-Founder, BCH
Breast Cancer Hub is extremely fortunate to get a sponsorship from Seema's School of Dance through their Annual Recital, Junoon on 23rd February 2020. BCH received $5,490 through check donation & $1,701 from online donation. 100% of the donation will be exectuted for "BCH-Adopt a Village" project across India for Breast, Oral, Cervical Screening, All Cancer Care & Management. We are sincerely thankful to Monalisa Chetiapatra for introducing BCH to Seema Tiwari (Founder-Junoon).
Our amazing Speakers of the evening representing BCH at Junoon - Monalisa Chetiapatra, Ravina Kashyap & Sandeep Roy. Each of your flawless beautiful heartfelt speech touched everyone & we cannot thank you enough on behalf of BCH family for your selfless support.
Thank you Bhavani Sirikonda, Ramkrishna Nallapati, Neelakant Yerra, Hemma Appaji, Sapna Bordoloi, Amrita Borooah & Shweta Kausik, Our amazing BCH Community Leaders who took the efforts to come up to stage representing our belief - We are a Family & #TogetherWeSaveLives.
Thank you Amrita Borooah for honoring Seema Tiwari on behalf of BCH with our token of love & appreciation.
Thanks to Our BCH volunteers-Community leaders, our ambassadors at the booth- Krish Kashyap, Ishaan Ahsan, Shweta Kausik, Shanyu Gowdu for your time & execution. Thanks to our other BCH Ambassadors-Ravina, Agastya, Agneya, Sapna, Amrita, Sandeep, Bhavani, Neelakant, Ramakrishna, for supporting us at the booth.
Post by Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, Founder-BCH
Breast Cancer Hub is immensely grateful to Seema Tiwari, Founder- Seema’s School of Dance, Junoon - Bollywood like never before.. for considering to support BCH through Junoon 2020. Thank you for inviting BCH to have a booth & also to speak about the cause & generate awareness. Thank you for your selfless gestures.
We are sincerely grateful to Monalisa Chetiapatra for introducing BCH to Seema Tiwari. Our heartfelt thanks to the TEAM of JUNOON for believing in BCH. We are so excited to see the beautiful, powerful performances reflecting amazing concepts & creativity! Thank you, on behalf of BCH family!
February 11, 2020, Charlotte: Honored to collaborate with Young Black Leadership Alliance - BCH would be privileged to help YBLA to shape the students' careers
It was great to present the work BCH is doing to YBLA team & discussing how we can involve students in BCH projects & workshops through scientific thought leadership in the students that will encourage research ideas, data analysis, foundation for networking, collaboration and most importantly empowering them with knowledge about cancer prevention and the importance of early detection that can save lives - each student becoming an ambassador to help the community to generate awareness.
Honored meeting W. Christopher Land, Ambassador Program Director & Sonya Taylor, Program Manager.
Post by Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, BCH
Breast Cancer Awareness at Homeless Shelters in Charlotte thorugh our Collaboration with Hope Vibes! We gave out Breast Self Exam Cards for both women & men & spoke about reaching out to us if detected with abnormalities so that we can navigate them towards free mammogram & treatment resources.
Thank you so much Varun Murlidhar, Rajendran , Sandeep, Agastya & Agneya for joining me in-spite of the freezing temperature & being the amazing volunteers & helping to spread the word. Many men were surprised to know that they could get Breast Cancer too .. #TogetherWeSaveLives
Thank you Hope Vibes for the Collaboration! Please learn more about Hope Vibes & their great work -
Post by Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy - BCH
……..Poetry by PADMA NUNNA
After the Event- Breast Cancer Hub-Young Scientist Cancer Meet, September 14, 2019
- What is a Hub may you ask…
Usually described as the central part of a wheel, rotating on or with the axle, and from which the spokes radiate…
Sun is the hub for our Solar System, rotating around it are many a planet with spokes.
Does that help understand what a hub is? Yes may be, Mom …. I get the definition, but what is it really about?…
Well, let me ask…did you ever feel a hub with spokes?
That’s what 09.14 Science Meet was and the wheel started rotating around an Axle of conviction to spread the message…
Science as the wrapper bringing many young brains with souls consumed by eagerness to learn, share and energy to bring about a healing viral revolution around a word that holds a stigma around the globe….we just removed that stigma in the virtual room.. kicked it out.. The word is Cancer…the prefix can be Breast or any part of human body….the same body that craves a hug…
This Hub is giving a Hug to the word Cancer with the energy of young souls that captured hearts and minds of specialists, oncologists and shedding the stigma…
Can we give a hug to Cancer and feel the energy of this hub? The axle may be Lopa…or should we say it is her passion to let the spokes be formed and turn the wheel…can we get connected to that axle?
Let us continue to turn the wheel and give the word Cancer a hug from this hub…who do you know in your immediate circle that is currently experiencing …not suffering from this word that we don’t want to say…go give them a hug from this hub!
Keep hugging, keep turning the wheel that cannot be stopped as the energy around 165 kids and 165 parents is going to go viral beyond any boundaries that we define….who knows our Sun may be getting a hug from this hub as well! Let’s hug whoever is next to us with that intent of keeping that wheel turning now
Breast Cancer Hub is Honored & Thankful to Padma for her unprecedented creativity, penned thoughts...A Reflection
BCH collaboration with Ekam Foundation: Thank you so much Dr. Sai Lakshmi, Vidya Murlidhar & Ramya Rajendran for Breast Cancer Hub collaboration with Ekam Foundation USA - Charlotte Chapter... BCH is blessed.. We are extremely thankful to Ekam youth ambassadors (Nirmal, Varun, Soorya, Azzy) & Ekam volunteers (Vidya, Ramya, Rajendran & each of you who helped) for organizing the event & including BCH as a part of the booth, speaking about the importance of early detection, the mission of BCH & distributing the Tamil Breast Self Exam Cards. The enthusiast youngsters are passionate & it was my immense honor to mentor them on current scenario with Cancer in the developed & developing countries & how we can together bring the change- so proud of the Ekam team!
Thank you Sandeep Roy, for passing on BCH handouts to Anu Subramaniam & thank you Arul Prakasam for carrying it all back. Team work is always magical! #TogetherWeSaveLives
The mission of Charlotte chapter of Ekam USA is not only to raise awareness and funds for its founding organization but also to provide numerous opportunities for service as a family. Please learn more about Ekam & their amazing work by visiting their website - http://ekamusa.org/ or https://www.breastcancerhub.org/usa-blog/ekam
Thank you Ekam volunteers, BCH is grateful!
Post by Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, BCH #BreastCancerHub #BreakTheBreastTaboo www.breastcancerhub.org
Breast Cancer Hub is honored to be a part of "Share Charlotte". Thank you for the collabration! It was so amazing to meet many local nonprofit organizations and community leaders. Wonderful event by Share Charlotte.
Post by Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, Founder-BCH www.breastcancerhub.org #BreakTheBreastTaboo #BreakTheCancerTaboo #TogetherWeSaveLives
I am so humbled and honored... I have no words to thank Seema Tiwari & the team of Junoon for believing in me & BCH and for the kind interview. Thank you Seema for your thoughts and heartfelt gestures. Immensely gratfeul for supporting BCH. Thank you Sharanya Raman and Shalley Sharma for your patience & direction to shoot the interview... thank you Monalisa for connecting BCH to Junoon..very few people will take out the time from their busy schedule and do this for others... you all are the selfless souls!
Link to the interview: https://www.facebook.com/seema.tiwari.75/videos/10220370582755604/
Please visit the Junoon.. Seema’s School of Dance to learn about the powerful musical creativity..
We Thank JUNOON on behalf of BCH..
Honored to meet Joe Pagani, Founder-Go Jen Go & learn about the great work. We look forward to our collaboration & help each other in our Fight Against Cancer. The Go Jen Go Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing critical financial assistance to local individuals (in Charlotte) and families who are battling breast cancer, providing aid during diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
Immensely grateful to Ross Saldarini for introducing me to Joe Pagani and Thank you so much Madhavi Patil for connecting me to Ross Saldarini.. beautiful gestures.
Post by Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, BCH
Terri Conneran- Lung Cancer 3x Survivor; Speaker Advocate; 3x kRas Warrior.
On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub - Wing, "Lung Cancer Hub", it was my privilege to meet Terri in Charlotte on January 21, 2020. Terri has come forward to share her fight with Lung cancer, discuss early signs & symptoms, the role of KRAS mutation with her cancer & I believe Terri's story is extremely educational & inspiring for all of us-motivation for others fighting the same. Terri's inspirational journey will be soon posted on our website under LungCancerHub of BCH wing. Terri, you are so amazing, helping to educate others about Lung Cancer. Hats off to you!
Post by Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, BCH
Spoorthi…Share and Inspire, an amazing event organized & executed flawlessly by Shanyu Gowdu - a young student with great vision. The event was an opportunity for middle and high school students & parents to learn from the experiences of students from UNC Chapel Hill, Duke, NC State & Wake Forest.
It was my honor to be invited as a speaker to share my educational journey & the transition to Breast Cancer Hub & its impact.
We got to hear from extraordinary student speakers from different NC Universities - Darshana, Megan, Rishi, Protima,, Nymisha, Rachita, Gayatri, Tracy followed with great interactions during the Panel discussion.
My heartfelt thanks on behalf of all present at the event to Raghu, Suchitra, Rachita & Shanyu Gowdu for the great thoughts & initiative towards the community.
Post by, Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, BCH