A big shout out to Samhita Nunna, from Charlotte, our "watermelon girl making a ripe difference with juicy melons" raised $131 for BCH. When Samhita came to give me the $131 she earned through her hardwork & dedication, the excitement & satisfaction on her face was unparalled. So proud of our darling Sammi, our BCH youth ambassador!
We are grateful to Uma & Krish, the farm owners from Mt. Pleasant who graciously gaveaway their watermelon produce. A big thank you to Padma Nunna for executing the process with so much love, energy & creativity. We are so thankful to each person who came forward to purchase the melons & all of Sammi's friends who supported her.
All our donations go strictly for the cause.
A big thank you on behalf of BCH family!
Dr Lopamudra Das Roy
#BreakTheCancerTaboo #BCHCancerHubs
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