Prashanti Pilla, MD
Physician, OBGYN, Holy Family Memorial
Manitowoc, USA
I am a practicing OBGYN, have been married for past 15 years and have one daughter and one son. I have been in practice for past 10 years. As an OBGYN I see females and I take any screening very seriously. I teach every patient about self-breast exam and what time of the month it needs to be done. A thorough self and family history, physical exam along with guidelines from USPSTF or American cancer Society help to identify the risk of breast cancer in every patient. Mammogram now a-days is one of the quality measures for the hospitals. Myself being in various quality committees, medical executive committees have worked with physicians in various departments to achieve our national/state benchmark for screening mammogram. I came to know about Lopa Das Roy and her BCH when I met her through my Executive MBA at Kellogg Northwestern university and was fascinated by her research and dedication for breast cancer screening and bringing awareness about screening methods. I jumped at the opportunity to do my best in propagandizing about the screening methods available and to remove the taboo about discussing issues with breast. I love to cook and garden.
Mission statement:
Being an OBGYN and a female I understand the importance of early detection by screening which can be via an ultrasound or a mammogram although self-breast exam could also help. Every female needs to be made aware that these methods are available to catch breast cancer very early on which would require only lumpectomy. Why procrastinate to get screened when early detection can increase survival and prevent mastectomy and preserve a feminine organ.
Region: India, Andhra Pradesh, USA