Gayatri Gogoi, MD, IFCAP

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Assistant professor of Pathology, Assam Medical College

Dibrugarh, Assam, India


Dr. Gayatri Gogoi did her MBBS and MD from Assam Medical College. She is   presently serving as Assistant Professor of Pathology of Assam Medical College Dibrugarh. Her dedicated area of practice is laboratory oncology and she was instrumental in setting up of facilities of molecular diagnosis of cancer in institution. She has been involved in clinical and laboratory research of breast cancer , haematolymphoid malignancy, Gall Bladder and other GIT tumours, endocrinal tumours for last 10 years leading to publications of approximately 20 original research papers besides couple of commentaries and review. She is one of the team members of global stem cell group headed by team leader in Standford university and Forsyth Institute of US, identified  cancer stem cells in T-ALL   and Blast crisis phase of CML. She is collaborator of   Regional Medical research centre, Dibrugarh  to study spectra of BRCA1 and BRCA2  mutation in breast cancer of various ethnic groups  of North east India. Another collaborative research ongoing with IIT Guwahati Biotechnology Department on Role of   BMP Signaling Pathway and Breast cancer metastasis. The research works of MD students of Pathology, Biochemistry, Surgery, Medicine, Radiology Radiotherapy supervised and co guided by her. She is editorial board member and reviewer of few national and international cancer journals. She is expert as Ethics Committee member for Ethics Committee for medical research , Laboratory Quality Assurance Program of  Medical Laboratory , laboratory safety and Infection control Program. She has received couple of regional national awards in scientific paper presentation. Dr Gogoi was honored as  International Fellow of American Pathologists in the last  year (2017) .

She is a popular  science writer in  the field of  literature  and regular features are published in both English and vernacular language . Her  book on cancer is first of its kind written by a specialist for public  for which she  received award of excellence in 2017 Dibrugarh book fair. Her extraordinary contribution to support cancer patients being recognized by community and conferred Dr Heramba Bharali Memorial Award in 2018.

Mission Statement:
We can work on breast cancer comparing risk factors with this region with rest of the world though proper ethical permission and formalities.


Region: Upper Assam, India