It was my immense privilege meeting the amazing Faculties, Dr Motin Laskar, Dr. Baharul Laskar (Principal), Mrs Minara Chowdhury, Prof. Hussain, founding President- Mr Mazumdar, other Professors & the enthusiastic students. I felt so fulfilling with the immense response & positive feedback from everyone to spread the word about early detection & make it happen. The best reward was when the Founding President, Mr Mazumder made the promise of not having tobacco (zarda, supari, lime etc) anymore & asked all students & faculties to do the same after I mentioned that these products act as carcinogen. My heartfelt thanks to Mr Jahid Ahmed for connecting me via LinkedIn and then connecting to Mrs Minara Chowdhury from M.C Das College, Sonai who along with Women’s cell organized a workshop on Breast Cancer.
By, Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, BCH
#BreakTheBreastTaboo #TogetherWeSaveLives #BreastCancerHub