Honored Expert Guests - Cancer Survivors, Cancer Researchers (Scientists), Oncologists, Physicians

Dr. Pinku Mukherjee is the Irwin Belk Distinguished Professor of Cancer Research. She is the Chair, Department of Biological Sciences at UNCC. She is the Chief Scientific Officer at OncoTAb Inc. Dr. Mukherjee’s one liner is "leveraging our own immune system to diagnose and treat breast and pancreatic cancers"

Dr. Didier Dréau
Dr. Dréau is an associate professor of biology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Dr. Dréau also serves as the Director of Undergraduate Research, the Honors in Biological Sciences Program director in the Department of Biological Sciences, and the area leader for the Applied Cancer Technology and Therapeutics in the Center for Biomedical Engineering and Science at UNCC. . The focus of the research developed in his laboratory is on angiogenesis, immune responses, and the physical and chemical tumor microenvironment in the promotion of metastasis.

Dr. Juan.Vivero-Escoto
Dr. Vivero, Associate Professor at the Chemistry Department, at UNC Charlotte. His research focuses on the use of nanotechnology to improve both the treatment of cancer and the patient’s quality of life.

Dr Raghava Reddy Induru
Dr. Raghava is a physician with Levine cancer institute (LCI). He did his masters in molecular biology. He is board certified in medical oncology and palliative medicine. Dr. Induru specialized in lung/head neck cancers and was the director of senior oncology care at LCI. He works at LCI main, northeast and Albemarle.
Dr. Sarah Prince Carlson
Dr. Sarah Prince Carlson: Dr. Carlson is a Family Physician for the last 21 years who provides primary care services, cancer screenings and disease prevention and treatment. Currently employed at CareHere Health and Wellness, Cleveland, NC

Dr. Ru Zhou
Dr. Ru Zhou is a Research Associate Professor at UNCC. She received her Ph.D in Immunopharmacology from China. Then she came to U.S. for Postdoctoral training from National Institute of Health to understand the immune tolerance in the autoimmune disease settings. Afterwards, She joined UNC-Charlotte to work on cancer biology and cancer immunology. Currently, she is focusing on cancer immunotherapy targeting against triple negative breast cancer and pancreatic cancer

Dr. Animita Saha-
Dr. Animita Saha- Associate Professor, Internal Medicine, UNC medical school; Medical Director, Atrium Health Myers Park Clinic. She is a clinician, educator and administrator. Her expertise is management of chronic complex diseases as well as preventive health. Her interests and research areas are: Health care delivery and health disparity, Safe opioid use and Opioid use disorder, Adults with developmental and intellectual disability, preventive care with main focus: cervical, breast and colon cancer screening. She had a grant few years ago from NFL and American Cancer Society for BCC screening for underserved population.

Dr. Vinita Chauhan Ramprasath
Dr. Vinita Chauhan Ramprasath- Senior Operations Manager, Premier Healthcare Inc. Dr Vinita currently works with healthcare systems and facilitates population management by ensuring affordable and current quality care to their patients. Previous to this, Dr Vinita worked as a biomedical researcher at UNCC where she researched neuro-inflammatory diseases and investigated the roles of viral infections in cancer metastasis.

Dr. Maribel Yazdanifar
Dr. Maribel Yazdanifar : During her Ph.D at UNCC, Charlotte, she developed a new strategy for targeting resistant pancreatic cancer cells using a novel CAR engineered T cell therapy. Dr. Yazdanifar can’t wait to continue her science journey at Stanford as a postdoctoral fellow.

Dr. Aakanksha Asija
Dr. Aakanksha Asija: Dr Asija is a Hematologist and Medical Oncologist with Levine Cancer Institute Ballantyne. She sees all types of hematologic cancers and solid tumors but specializes in breast and lung cancer

Dr Mubin Tarannum
Dr Mubin Tarannum: received her Ph.D from University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Her research involves the design and synthesis of novel, safe and improved nanomaterials for pancreatic cancer treatment. The therapeutic approach is called "Targeted combinatorial drug delivery".

Dr. Swetha Gujja
Dr. Swetha Gujja- Board certified in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Medical Oncology , and currently treats patients with blood disorders and cancer

Mrs. Maura McCarthy
McCarthy is the Director of Finance & Administration for IoTecha Corporation, a proud mother of 3 children and a breast and thyroid cancer survivor.
She is an active community leader and advocate to raise funds and awareness for cancer through BCC Rally, Susan G Komen, The Brain Tumor Foundation and other nonprofit organizations.
Mrs. Ravina Kashyap
Mrs. Ravina Kashyap- Ravina is a mom, a teacher, a writer, and also a Stage 4 Colon cancer survivor. She lives in Charlotte since 2000 and was diagnosed 5 years back. Ravina is very proud to see the work put in by everyone here
Ms Emma Woodle
Emma Woodle is a 18 year old survivor of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, and has been off of treatment for 10 years. She is currently a senior at Cox Mill High School, and she is honored to be an advocate of childhood cancer.

Mrs. Suanne Jacob
Mrs. Suanne Jacob: Breast cancer survivor and currently in year 4 of remission, so inspiring.