BCH Youth Ambassador project 2020
My dream is to inculcate the Art of Scientific thinking & thought leadership in the Youngsters. Each student becomes an ambassador & leader to spread the knowledge about cancer awareness, early detection, preventative measures & most importantly serving the community & providing better quality of life to the mankind ! I believe, we save a Life, we save a Family!
Dr Lopamudra Das Roy- Founder & President, BCH
The Program Regime -Free Program but Only for students genuinely interested & passionate about Science & Community Service.
Step 1: Scientific Mentoring Session by Dr Das Roy
Purpose: The session will help redefine the thuoghts of the students towards Cancer, Lifestyle & motivate them to generate awareness in the society as Ambassadors.
Group A: Elementary (2nd Grade to 5th Grade-Total Capacity: 20 Students): Topic: Cancer Biology, its Prevention, Causes & Risk Factors, Role of Environment, Food, Stress & Exercise.
Group B: Middle School (Total Capacity: 30 Students). Topic: Cancer & Carcinogens, Preventable Measures & Early Detection, Causes & Risk Factors, Role of Palliative Care
Group C: High School, Undergraduate & Beyond (Total Capacity: 30 Students). Topic: Etiology of Cancer & Metastasis, Preventable Measures & Early Detection, Risk Factors, Genetics & Role of Inflammation, Impact of Palliative Care
Date and time-3 hour online mentoring session
- 10 AM - 1 PM EST. Please pick one spot for yourself. Available Dates:
High School, Undergraduate & beyond: July 22, 23, 24
Middle School: July 25, 26, 27
Elementary: July 28, 29
Step 2: ambassadors conduct independent sessions as speakers
After the session (Step 1), Dr Das Roy will share the presentation with the Ambassadors for conducting sessions independently as Speakers but under strict guidelines & supervision of Dr Das Roy to maintain the authenticity of the information given out by the Ambassadors.
Students under the guidance of their parents wil organize online sessions on “Cancer Awareness, Early Detection & Prevention” with their own network of Family & Friends to generate awareness & translate the vital information.
Ambassadors will be Awarded with Certificate of Honor & Recognition for Conduting Cancer Awareness Sessions
The sessions conducted by Ambassador will be published on BCH website with a specific web link (URL) that will never expire so that you can reference ,share and list in your accomplishments, tremendously helping with their career.
Volunteer Hours counted
Bigger Purpose: The Awareness Session will help Save Lives, an unprecedented satisfaction on humanatarian ground- community service.