A huge Shout out to Devika Reni, BCH Youth Ambassador for conducting the webinars and spreading the word about early detection and prevention of cancer in her netowrk of friends and family. So proud of Devika.
Here’s a note from Devika
“My experience with hosting seminars to share knowledge and raise awareness for breast cancer in India was incredible. I really enjoyed being able to help others by spreading the knowledge and educating people on the facts about breast cancer. Helping them understand and explaining what the societal and health implications of the taboo and ignorance that are so deeply ingrained into our minds was wonderful, and it felt amazing to know that I was helping to make a difference.”
Thank you and so proud of you, Devika,
Mentor - Dr Lopamudra Das Roy
#TogetherWeSaveLives #BreakTheBreastTaboo #BreakTheCancerTaboo #CancerIsNotContagious #LetEqualityPrevail #KnowYourBody
Website: www.breastcancerhub.org
Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter: BreastCancerHub