bch wing - crc hub thank you for your time & we sincerely appreciate your participation

To learn about BCH Wing - CRC Hub, Click here

Please reach out to us if you have further questions at contact@breastcancerhub.org

Breast Cancer Hub’s Vision & Mission - Read more

100% of our services are free of cost & All donations are driven toward our mission.




SAVER - Save Lives by Awareness, Volunteering, Education and Research

Core Values - Ethics, Integrity & Transparency

Founder & President - Dr Lopamudra Das Roy (Distinguished Cancer Scientist-Research Professor), a Social Entrepreneur, resigned from her rewarding career in 2017, to create & grow BCH as her Full-time pro bono, humanitarian work, providing 100% Free services, with a dream to save lives by making impactful sustainable changes working at the grassroots level by bridging the gap between the Developed & the Developing Countries.

WE ARE A GLOBAL FAMILY. We Stand Against Discrimination of Color, Religion, Language & Culture. WE SERVE EVERYONE WITH EQUALITY

#TogetherWeSaveLives #BreakTheBreastTaboo #BreakTheCancerTaboo #CancerIsNotContagious #KnowYourBody


We fight BREAST CANCER in WOMEN, MEN & LGBTQ+. We stand together against ALL TYPES OF CANCER via our BCH WINGS – CANCER HUBS with the following GOALS:

  1. Early Detection & Prevention - Awareness, Education, Scientific Seminars, Early Detection Screening Cards, Cancer Articles, Informational Videos - BCH generates one-stop Life-saving Cards, Research papers, educational videos in simple layman’s terms to empower everyone about the symptoms of Cancer, help detect early and treat accurately.

  2. Community Outreaches & Cancer screening campsWe save innumerable lives each day by helping to be detected early, analyzing the reports, navigating suspicious cases towards healthcare facilities & affordable options for the underprivileged & uninsured populace. We have follow-ups from patients as Dr. Das Roy shares her contacts during the outreaches & provides scientific counseling for each patient reaching out.

  3. Adopting Villages - BCH IS THE PIONEER: Penetrating deeper, going to each member, each household, maintaining database & follow-ups, for Cancer screening, Treatment management & support, Palliative care & Counseling. We monitor & manage each patient individually, case by case.

  4. Support Groups & Counseling: a) We provide scientific analysis of the cancer diagnosis & treatment; b) We publish stories & interviews of Cancer advocates in local languages to inspire others fighting Cancer; c) We provide Medical Guidance to Our Patients, Our Support Groups, as we stand for each other, emotionally connected.

  5. Care Package for BCH patients: We create mastectomy or lumpectomy comfort pillows with a pocket that allows to use a cold or hot pack as part of the healing. We are making Chemo hats, and chemo port seat belt pillows, a gesture to show our Love for our BCH Cancer fighters from NC and USA.

  6. Patient Treatment Bucket: Aids the underprivileged populace in poverty especially in the developing countries with diligent follow-ups of the financial assistance utilization, currently serving Africa and India.

  7. Research: BCH penetrates into the untapped sectors for substantial impactful scientific analysis, working towards changing healthcare policies, providing sustainable solutions, need of the hour to help the community. BCH Cancer Research (Clinical data analysis & Epidemiological Research Study) is approved by Institutional Review Board (IRB, USA), & Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC, INDIA)

  8. Leadership Programs: Dr. Das Roy inculcates the art of scientific thinking & thought leadership in the students, helping with their careers and motivating them to serve the community as leaders by executing impactful roles as Volunteers, Ambassadors & Interns.

    Funding Source: Support from “Kindhearted” donors from our community members. Every Penny Counts. All our services are free of cost & All donations are driven towards our mission. Operating expenses are limited to logistics solely needed to execute BCH Goals and Projects. BCH Tax Filings and Certified Financial Reports - Click Here