Dr. Harie Basdew
Dr. Harie basdew, RTCS, Academisch Zieknhuis Paramaribo
Paramaribo, Suriname
I have finished the radiation oncology training program in 2012 at the ErasmusMC, Daniel den Hoed Clinic in Rotterdam. Since september 2012 I started working at the Radiotherapeutisch Centrum Suriname (RTCS), the only radiotherapy center in Suriname. With a population of 500.000 and an estimated incidence of 300 new cancer patients per 100.000, we should have 1500 new cancer patients each year. Still we see approximately 375 patients for radiotherapy treatment and approximately 700 patients for multidisciplinary oncology discussion. We don’t have a cancer database which is very frustrating. Besides our daily work and treatment of patients, we do awareness programs. The past years we have organized open fairs with world cancer day and breast cancer month at our center together with other organizations. We have invited companies and school children for an educational trip at our center. We went to companies to provide information about cancer.
Mission Statement:
Besides treatment of patients our mission is to educate especially young people to be aware of cancer. Cancer is not a hot topic in Suriname, people don’t talk easily about it. The impact of cancer is enormous within families. Patients lose their jobs, they have relationship problems and are socially isolated.
I want to learn from your organization and use your expertise for the people in Suriname. I want to work with your organization because I think that our goals are the same and by working together we can achieve much more for this group of patients who suffer a lot.
Email: hariebasdew@hotmail.com; harie.basdew@azp.sr
Region: Suriname