Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), a GuideStar Platinum Certified & Top-Rated 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit Organization, registered in North Carolina, USA in September 2017. VISION: Grassroots Sustainable Solutions Saving Lives Globally with 100% Free Services
We Cordially Invite your Gracious Presence
let us JOIN HandS, AND walk TOGETHER, for all cancers & support anti-tobacco campaign
When: June 11,2023, Sunday, Where: Gandhi Bhawan, Park Road, Gandhi Bagh, Silchar, Assam.
AGENDA (free event) - details on the flyer
A) 8-8:30 AM: Registration (in-person), Collect BCH Badge,
Gift Souvenir Tokens, & Cancer - Educational informational materials.
B) 8:30 AM - 10 AM (Walk Together to Support Cancer Awareness, Cancer Fighters, Families Lost to Cancer &
Anti-Tobacco campaign). Dress Code: Pink, Blue or Purple-Support Breast Cancer & All Cancers-All Genders
Walk Route: Starting @Gandhi Bhawan-Central Road-Shillong Patty-Park Road, ending @Gandhi Bhawan
C) 10 AM - 11:30 AM (Award - Honor Ceremony)
D) 11:30 AM - Certificate of Achievement for Participants, with Light Refreshments