Mahnaz Sahraei, PhD
Senior Scientist, Arvinas
New Haven, CT, USA
I worked as an Associate Research Scientist in Yale university in New Haven, CT. I am currently working as a Senior Scientist at Arvinas.
I started my work on cancer in Dr. Mukheree's laboratory as a PhD student. In collaboration with Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, we studied effects of arthritis on breast cancer metastasis and uncovered some of its underlying mechanisms. In addition, I studied molecular mechanisms of Pancreatic Cancer progression and immune evasion. As a postdoctoral fellow in Yale University, I worked on how altering immune cell responses to tumor can curtail tumor progression.
When I am not working in the lab, I enjoy exploring, hiking, and running in the beautiful New England.
Mission statement:
Breast Cancer incidents have been on the rise in an alarming rate in developing countries and lack of knowledge about the symptoms and treatment options significantly contribute to mortality and morbidity. By talking about Breast Cancer openly, we can turn it into a manageable problem that can be dealt with. I want to contribute to increasing awareness about Breast Cancer in developing societies as well as United States.