Bordumsa Live, Arunachal Pradesh

During my Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) villages outreaches or BCH organized awareness and screening across India since 2017, I never informed the press, and always stayed away as that’s not my comfort zone. This time, during the Bordumsa, Arunachal outreach, Er. Ghanshyam Longkho (Founder & CEO, Clean Bordumsa Green Bordumsa), informed Mr. Zahnu Sonowal from Bordumsa Live 24x7., who took an interview on screening protocols and next steps. This was an eye-opener for me, and changed my perspective on press interviews. Post press release, so many cases from Arunachal and Upper Assam, reached out to me within hours, as my Whatsapp number was shared, who are in extreme need, and I could guide, navigate, help, and support. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Zahnu, and no words to express my gratitude to Mr. Ghanashyam for helping me serve.
100% of BCH services are Free of Cost and 100% of donations are driven toward our Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).
With heartfelt gratitude,