BCH Food Relief Testimonial, October 2020
October 2020: BCH Food Relief continues as we face family struggling due to no work during our door to door Cancer screening survey at our adopted village Bhorakhai tea garden area.
We thank our kind generous donors on behalf of BCH team at Bhorakhai tea garden area:
1. Principal Investigator-Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy (as pro bono & voluntary service).
2. Project Coordinator- Sanalembi Devi;
3. Project Field Worker : Bhorakhai (Sapna Pashi).
#TogetherWeSaveLives #BreakTheBreastTaboo #BreakTheCancerTaboo #CancerIsNotContagious #KnowYourBody #BreastCancerHub #BCHCancerHubs
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