BCH adopted Bhorakhai Tea Garden AREA-Covid-19 Food Relief, Masks & Disinfectants
Database of 222 Families
BCH team has been working in this area since 15th February 2020 for “Adopt A Village-Bhorakhai” for Breast, Oral, Cervical Cancer Screening-Cancer Care, Treatment & Management. Due to Covid-19 lock down BCH team also kept on monitoring the situation of the people of this area on humanitarian ground. We found the families were eating rice with salt water and chilli due to poverty because of no work due to Covid-19 lockdown as they belonged to daily wage-earning occupation – at tea garden, construction work, brick factory etc, they were almost running out of food stock.
Our Strategy: We respect the dignity of each person as they work hard for their living but now in this situation due to Covid-19 crisis, they are helpless. So, we decided to go to each household & provide food to their doorsteps so that they don’t have to wait in queue or plead for food. Database: We maintain database of 222 Families.
April 11, 12, 15, 2020: FIRST FOOD RELIEF RATION (426 individuals)- Potato, Masoor Daal, Sugar, Salt, Oil, Dettol soap for hygiene.
April 22, 2020: SECOND ROUND FOOD RATION Replenishment for BCH Adopted 106 Families (459 individuals) at Bhorakhai area Tea Garden, Assam- Whole Chana, Masoor Daal, Oil, Sugar, Dettol, Detergent
May 06, 2020: 3rd Round Food Ration Relief -106 families (459 members) increased to 130 Families (580 individuals)-Whole Chana, Masoor Daal, Nutrela Soyabean, Oil, Sugar, LifeBuoy Soap, Detergent
May 31, 2020: 4th Round Food Ration Relief- 35 families (130 members): The relief kit includes: Masoor Dal (lentil), Gota chana (Chola), Ata (Wheat), Sugar, Biscuit, Mustard oil, salt, Soya bean chunks, lifebuoy soap (antiseptic), detergent cake, lady finger (Okra). We also gave one mask each to the kit.
June 08, 2020: 5th Round Food Ration Relief: 49 Families (221 members): The relief kit includes: Masoor Dal, Arhar Dal, Soya bean chunk, Salt, Sugar, Soap (antiseptic)and detergent cake
Masks provided for our Bhorakhai Area: BCH purchased masks from Bhoomi Women's Trust , Assam, so that we can be proactive & make sure our Bhorakhai residents take all safety measures while getting back to work. We are distributing masks to the workers in the village who is at utmost need
Total number of individuals benefitted: 1st Round Food Relief (426)+ 2nd Round Food Relief (459) + 3rd Round Food Relief (580) + Masks Recipient (308)+ 4th Round Food Relief (130); 5th Round Food Relief (221) = 2,124 individuals.
Database: We maintain database of 222 Families. 106 families from 1st & 2nd round + 52 Families added to our database who needed Relief for 3nd round = (106+52= 158 Families). For 4th Round (35 families recieved Relief) & 23 new families added. For 5th Round: 49 families received relief & 33 new Families added. In addition, we are closely monitoring 8 more families who might need to be added to the relief in future, so we now have a database of 222 Families we are closely monitoring.
Why we need to continue with Food relief at Bhorakhai area & WHy the number of Families increased?
Justification for 3rd Round: During this crisis, there was relaxation for Tea Workers and they resumed their work week of 27th April. Few other workers also could resume work. All together 28 people resumed work. But there are still many who are not allowed to go out for work due to continued lockdown. Therefore we are compelled to take the endeavor for 3rd relief replenishment. Since BCH team is constantly monitoring the situation of Bhorakhai area, we have observed that no other organization or individual have come for relief work since 17th April except BCH. There are 52 families which were sustaining on relief received from other agencies but they are now struggling since they were not replenished. Therefore, BCH decided to include them as well in our 3rd round of replenishment.
Justification for 4th Round: BCH team has been constantly monitoring the situation of people of Bhorakhai with the help of local volunteers. Since 4th May people of this area also have been trying to resume their work. But unfortunately there are few people who could not get any employment. According to our field survey, few families who are mostly daily wage earners, Cart Puller, Rikshaw Puller, house-keeping workers, Construction workers are facing very hard time to meet their tow time proper nutritious meal.
Justification for 5th Round: BCH team is constantly monitoring the Bhorakhai Tea Garden Area (Puran Line, Lamba Tila, Kalwa Tila, Ranga Tila) for Ration Food Replenishment. We observed that many families were still eating rice with choukha (smashed potato) or Chatni or tea. They were not getting regular work. Due to high transportation cost (revised higher rate of local transport fare), they couldn’t afford to go to the main town (Silchar) to resume work & their livelihood. We added 33 new families to our database & now we have 222 Families to monitor.
A BIG SHOUT OUT TO OUR DONORS FROM ALL THE BENEFICIARIES (222 FAMILIES, 2, 124 individuals)...We couldn't have contiued to give ration relief without your support..
Acknowledgement: A big thank you to our Project Coordinator Sanalembi Devi and Our Field Worker Sapna Pashi from Borakhai tea garden- who analyzed the situation & brought this up to me. This couldn’t have happened without amazing Sana & Sapna! Thank you for executing the project with so much dedication & sincerity. Thank you Mr. Pradip Kumar Singha, Librarian of Janata College, Kabuganj for all your help & support-you are amazing!
We are thankful to Mr. Ashok Kumar Nath -General Secretary – Sanatan Unnayan Sangstha for providing the vehicle on April 11th & thanks to Mr. Pradip Kumar & Sanalembi for providing us your car on April 12th to help us commute with the food to Bhorakhai area. Thanks to Mahila Mahan Union, Borakhai and the Tea garden Management for your support. We are sincerely grateful to Mr Mrinal Shome, Dipika Shome, Madhulika Shome, Pulok, Beli Nunia, Sita Dusad, Mohan Dusad, Sankar Lal Rajwar, Suraj Dusad, Babul Bagdi, Puja Dusad, Lakhi Pashi, Saptami Nath, Abhishek Lohar, Kajali Karmakar, for all your help in the packaging and distribution & most importantly supporting us & the cause…
We thank our kind generous donors on behalf of BCH team 1. Principal Investigator-Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy (as pro bono & voluntary service). 2. Project Coordinator- Sanalembi Devi; 3. Project Field Worker : Borakhai (Sapna Pashi)
Post By Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, Founder-BCH
BCH also provides Masks in Utmost Need in addition to Food Relief
BCH purchased masks from Bhoomi Women's Trust , Assam, so that we can be proactive & make sure our Bhorakhai residents take all safety measures while getting back to work. We are distributing masks to the workers in the village who is at utmost need.
We also create Covid 19 Awareness & Execute Safety Measures
Database of 222 Families
We maintain database of 222 Families. 106 families from 1st & 2nd round + 52 Families added to our database who needed Relief for 3nd round = (106+52= 158 Families). For 4th Round (35 families recieved Relief) & 23 new families added. For 5th Round: 49 families received relief & 33 new Families added. In addition, we are closely monitoring 8 more families who might need to be added to the relief in future, so we now have a database of 222 Families we are closely monitoring.
The areas we are covering in Borakhai: Natun Line, Puran Line, Kalwa Tila, Lamba Tila, Ranga Tila. We would like to increase the number of families but it all depends on our financial capacity.
Our Strategy
We respect the dignity of each person as they work hard for their living but now in this situation due to Covid-19 crisis, they are helpless. So, we decided to go to each household & provide food to their doorsteps so that they don’t have to wait in queue or plead for food. We have a database of all the 222 families, we will monitor & replenish the ration
Respect & Dignity
We decided to go to each household & provide food to their doorsteps so that they don’t have to wait in queue or plead for food as they are hard working daily wage earners & brought into this situation with no work due Covid19 lockdown.

We provided the first food relief (RATION- potato, Lentil, sugar, salt, oil, Dettol soap for hygiene) on 11th ,12th February & 15th February. We decided to adopt 106 families, with total 459 members in Borakhai tea garden & we will replenish their food so that they do not starve till the lockdown is over & villagers get back to their daily wage. We have collected all the information of these families so that we can immediately replenish the food by monitoring closely.
OUR STRATEGY: We respect the dignity of each person as they work hard for their living but now in this situation due to Covid-19 crisis, they are helpless. So, we decided to go to each household & provide food to their doorsteps so that they don’t have to wait in queue or plead for food. We have a database of all the 166 families, we will monitor & replenish the ration.
We would like to increase the number of families but it all depends on our financial capacity.

April 22, 2020: Second Round Food Ration Replenishment for BCH Adopted 106 Families (459 members) at Bhorakhai area Tea Garden, Assam. A BIG SHOUT OUT TO OUR DONORS FROM ALL THE BENEFICIARIES (106 FAMILIES - 459 MEMBERS)...We couldn't have contiued to give ration relief without your support..

May 06, 2020: 3rd Round Food Ration Relief - 130 Families (~580 individuals). A BIG SHOUT OUT TO OUR DONORS FROM ALL THE BENEFICIARIES (130 FAMILIES - ~580 MEMBERS)...We couldn't have contiued to give ration relief without your support..

May 31, 2020: 4th Round Food Ration Relief - 35 Families (130 individuals). A BIG SHOUT OUT TO OUR DONORS FROM ALL THE BENEFICIARIES (35 FAMILIES - 130 MEMBERS)...We couldn't have contiued to give ration relief without your support..

June 8, 2020: 5th Round Food Ration Relief - 49 Families (221 individuals). A BIG SHOUT OUT TO OUR DONORS FROM ALL THE BENEFICIARIES
Testimonial from Borakhai area-BCH team is blessed to serve with #Covid19RationFoodRelief
Testimonial from Mohan Dusad, Borakhai Tea Garden area, on BCH Covid19 RationFoodRelief..
Thank you for the heartfelt testimonial from Borakhai area-BCH is blessed #Covid19RationFoodRelief
Sapna Pashi(BCH Filed Worker)passionately working on BCH Covid-19 Ration Food Relief-Borakhai,Assam
BCH is grateful for the kind testimonial from Borakhai area#Covid-19RationFoodRelief
Testimonial from Mr. D. N Singh, Deputy Manager, Silcoorie Tea Estate, on BCH adopted Bhorakhai area
Thank you to our Donors from one of the Beneficiaries of Bhorakhai area @RationFoodRelief

BCH is thankful to be able to provide Masks in Utmost Need
Sanalembi Devi, Our Bhorakhai Project Coordinator, brought to my attention that she found women & men heading to work at Tea garden but not wearing proper masks. Women were tying piece of cloth around their face while lifting huge weight over their head. We immediately took the decision to provide good quality masks and we are thankful to Mr. Mr. D. N Singh, Deputy Manager, Silcoorie Tea Estate for giving us the permission from Tea Garden Management as Masks are huge crisis.
BCH purchased masks from Bhoomi Women's Trust so that we can be proactive & make sure our Bhorakhai residents take all safety measures while getting back to work. We distributed 278 to the workers & more will be given to the other people in the village who is at utmost need. BCH team is thankful to be of service to the Bhorakhai Tea Garden Area. We used some of our Covid 19 Project donation towards purchasing the masks.
Sanalembi Devi beautifully explains how to use Masks as BCH Distributes Masks to Bhorakhai Area
Regarding Masks from BCH: Testimonial from Mr. D. N Singh, Deputy Manager, Silcoorie Tea Estate. Mr. Singh is very appreciative that BCH could provide masks to the Tea Garden workers as there is a huge crisis & scarcity of masks and it's very essential & needed for the safety of the people with Covid 19 scenario.
April 11, 12, 15 , 2020: First Round Food Relief
April 22 , 2020: Second Round Ration Food Relief
May 06, 2020: 3rd Round Food Ration Relief
May 31, 2020: 4th Round Ration Relief
June 08, 2020:5th Round Ration Relief