BCH Adopted Bantarapur Village For Cancer Screening, also now driving protocols for Covid-19 Preventative Measures
BCH executes Health & Safety measures Covid-19
Awareness, Mask & Sanitizer Distribution, enforcing guidelines
BCH helps implement & execute Health & Safety Measures via Awareness, Mask & Sanitizer Distribution, enforcing guidelines in collaboration with the Local organizations & authorities helping to prevent Covid 19 spread in Market Places with Local Vendors & in Public gatherings. #2GetherWeR1
Since 4th May, 2020, there have been some relaxation on the lockdown norms in Cachar district, Assam. Accordingly, business activities of Bantarapur also geared up slowly and gradually. There are two main market places in Bantarapur, “Sukurbari Bazar” and “Sonibari Bajar”. Sukurbari Bazar usually held on Monday and Friday. Sonibari Bazar usually held on Tuesday and Saturday. In both the markets local farmers come with their products such as seasonal vegetables, fish, egg, fruits, Puffed & Flattened Rice etc Due to the relaxation, the local vendors started selling their products in the market and people gradually started visiting these marketplaces on large scale. Since the outbreak of Covis-19 pandemic, the BCH team has been closely monitoring the ground situation of Bantarapur area. BCH field staff visited the market places to check how the preventative measures of Covid-19 were practiced in the market areas since these are the places where mass gathering was happening, vulnerable for spread of infection.
Following very serious observations were made: 1. Most of the people were without Mask in the market area. 2. Masks are not worn properly by the people. 3. People were not maintaining physical distance. 4. There is no hand sanitization facility or hand wash facility in the market area. 5. Children below 10 years and elderly people above 60 were seen in the market places without any urgent work. 6. Sonibari Bazar was not allowed to open as a preventive measure by the local people. Being helpless, the poor vegetable and agriculture product vendors sit on the road-side which made situation very challenging to maintain physical distance. 7. Cotton Masks are not available in the village market.
Taking into consideration, the urgency of the situation, the BCH team at first discussed the matter with Mrs. Momota Singha (Panchayat President of Sundari Gaon Panchayat), village elderly people and leaders, Members of Bazar Committees, members of Self Help Groups, Linthoingambi Mairalup, members of Rising Club, Bantarapur Manipuri Women Voluntary Welfare Association. We are very thankful to all the groups for supporting BCH and It is very encouraging that the people of Bantarpur unanimously & voluntarily came forward taking the call of BCH team to prepare Bantarapur village in preventing Covid-19 infection, through maintaining physical distance, wearing mask, washing hand frequently and staying at home specifically kids below 10 years and elderly people above 60 years.
Following preliminary activities were taken up as preventive measure at market place: 1. Drawing circles on the floor 2. Constructing barricade with bamboo and rope. 3. Demarcating of entry and exit point at the market place to ensure hand sanitization and wearing of mask at the entrance itself. Drops of Hand sanitizer is given to all the people entering the market place by BCH team & volunteers. 4. Monitoring of the market area by local women (Mairapaibi) or members of SHG Group to ensure Mask wearing and maintenance of physical distance on 22nd May’20 and 23rd May’20 at Sukrubari Bazar and Sonibari Bazar respectively. 5. Distribution of Mask to all the vendors and some of the visitors also who do not have proper mask. At Sukrubari Market total of 87 Masks were distributed on 22nd May’20. At Sonibari Market total of 61 Masks were distributed 23rd May’20. BCH purchased another 200 masks for Bantarapur & distributed.
We take measures for each VENDOR & CUSTOMER entering the market: May 25: 2020: Bantarapur Market Place (Sukurbari Bazar-Monday, Friday). May 26, 2020: Bantarapur Market Place (Sonibari Bazar-Tuesday, Saturday): BCH Covid 19 protection protocol execution continues with masks distribution, Sanitization & hand washing measures taken, social distance & awareness implemented. May 28, 2020: Moirang Keithen Khuningthek Market, Bantarapur - Market Entry & Exit Points strictly controlled, hand washed & sanitized upon entry, Masks given to each Vendor & Customer, social distance implemented. BCH Covid 19 protective measures execution continues & we cannot be more thankful to “Linthoingambi Mairalup- Women Organization” for all your help & support ! May 29,2020:Sukurbari Bazaar, Bantarapur, Cachar, Assam: BCH team Continues Strict Covid 19 Safety Execution & Awareness: Restricting kids & older population in Public Places, Masks donated to each person & Sanitization Done.May 30, 2020:Sonibari Bazaar,Bantarapur,Cachar, Assam: BCH team continues the Covid-19 preventative measures diligently- Entry & Exit To Market Place strictly controlled. May 31, 2020: Moirang Keithen Khuningthek Market, Bantarapur - Market Entry & Exit Points strictly controlled, hand washed & sanitized upon entry, Masks given to each Vendor & Customer, social distance implemented. BCH Covid 19 protective measures execution continues.1st June, 2020: Sukurbari Bazaar, Bantarapur, Cachar, Assam- BCH Covid 19 strict measures continue.
BCH purchased Masks from Bhoomi Women's Trust & Ladies Group. BCH purchased the Sanitizers from Dey's Medical Store.
We would like to thank our BCH Donors for your Covid 19 Contribution... without you, we couldn't have continued the process
Feedback from Residents and Business owners:
1. One elderly woman who sells vegetables produced in her farm was surprised to see the sanitization and other preventive arrangements in the market place. She told to BCH coordinator that she had been wishing for such arrangement of sanitization but she did not know whom to tell. But now she is very happy and thanked BCH for such initiative. 2. One lady who was wearing a synthetic mask becomes very happy to get a cotton mask. Since it is very hot weather synthetic masks are not comfortable. 3. After observing the preparation of BCH team & volunteers and local women groups along with members of Sundari Panchayat, the owner of the market allowed the vendors for the first time after lockdown to enter the market and do their business. He said that if we make such arrangement for sanitization and physical distancing then there is no problem in opening the market area.
BCH team is thankful to be of service to the Bantarapur Village Our Bantarapur Team : 1.Principal Investigator- Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy, Founder-BCH (as pro bono & voluntary service) 2. Project Coordinator- Sanalembi Devi 3. Project Field Worker : Mimila Chanu. Hats off to Sanalembi Devi & Mimila for understanding the urgency and bringing this up to me. So proud of them. My heartfelt thanks to each & every member of Bantarapur Women Organizations, Panchayat & Village Authorities, and All Committees for unanimoulsy coming forward to help & support. Thank you for your kind selfless gestures. #TogetherWeAreOne #BCHCovid19India
Post by Dr Lopamudra Das Roy ; Data received from Sanalembi Devi

BCH team executes Health & Safety measures Awareness, Mask & Sanitizer Distribution, enforcing guidelines & implements successfully
Since 4th May, 2020, there have been some relaxation on the lockdown norms in Cachar district, Assam. Accordingly, business activities of Bantarapur also geared up slowly and gradually. BCH field staff visited the market places to check how the preventative measures of Covid-19 were practiced in the market areas since these are the places where mass gathering was happening, vulnerable for spread of infection.
We observed: 1. Most of the people were without Mask in the market area. 2. Masks not worn properly 3. No physical distance. 4. No hand sanitization facility or hand wash facility in the market area. 5. Children below 10 years and elderly people above 60 seen in the market places 6. Cotton Masks not available.
Taking into the urgency of the situation, the BCH team executes Health & Safety measures Awareness, Mask & Sanitizer Distribution, enforcing guidelines & implements successfully
We are extremely thankful to the Bantarapur Women Organizations, Panchayat, Village Authorities, and All Committees for unanimously supporting & helping our team.
BCH helps implement & execute Health & Safety Measures
BCH helps implement & execute Health & Safety Measures via Awareness, Mask & Sanitizer Distribution, enforcing guidelines in collaboration with the Local organizations & authorities helping to prevent Covid 19 spread in Market Places with Local Vendors & in Public gatherings.
Following preliminary activities were taken up as preventive measure at market place: 1. Drawing circles on the floor 2. Constructing barricade with bamboo and rope. 3. Demarcating of entry and exit point at the market place to ensure hand sanitization and wearing of mask at the entrance itself. Drops of Hand sanitizer is given to all the people entering the market place by BCH team & volunteers. 4. Monitoring of the market area by local women (Mairapaibi) or members of SHG Group to ensure Mask wearing and maintenance of physical distance on 22nd May’20 and 23rd May’20 at Sukrubari Bazar and Sonibari Bazar respectively. 5. Distribution of Mask to all the vendors and some of the visitors also who do not have proper mask.
Feedback from Residents and Business owners
1. One elderly woman who sells vegetables produced in her farm was surprised to see the sanitization and other preventive arrangements in the market place. She told to BCH coordinator that she had been wishing for such arrangement of sanitization but she did not know whom to tell. But now she is very happy and thanked BCH for such initiative.
2. One lady who was wearing a synthetic mask becomes very happy to get a cotton mask. Since it is very hot weather synthetic masks are not comfortable.
3. After observing the preparation of BCH team & volunteers and local women groups along with members of Sundari Panchayat, the owner of the market allowed the vendors for the first time after lockdown to enter the market and do their business. He said that if we make such arrangement for sanitization and physical distancing then there is no problem in opening the market area.
We take measures for each VENDOR & CUSTOMER entering the market
May 25: 2020: Bantarapur Market Place (Sukurbari Bazar-Monday, Friday): BCH Covid 19 protection protocol execution continues with masks distribution, Sanitization & hand washing measures taken, social distance & awareness implemented
May 26, 2020: Bantarapur Market Place (Sonibari Bazar-Tuesday, Saturday)
BCH Covid 19 protection protocol execution continues with masks distribution, Sanitization & hand washing measures taken, social distance & awareness implemented
at Bantarapur (Manipuri Community), Assam. We are extremely thankful to the Bantarapur Women Organizations, Panchayat, Village Authorities, and All Committees for unanimously supporting & helping our team
Moirang Keithen Khuningthek Market, Bantarapur
May 28, 2020: Moirang Keithen Khuningthek Market, Bantarapur - Market Entry & Exit Points strictly controlled, hand washed & sanitized upon entry, Masks given to each Vendor & Customer, social distance implemented. BCH Covid 19 protective measures execution continues & we cannot be more thankful to “Linthoingambi Mairalup- Women Organization” for all your help & support today!
May 29,2020:Sukurbari Bazaar
May 29,2020:Sukurbari Bazaar, Bantarapur, Cachar, Assam: BCH team Continues Strict Covid 19 Safety Execution & Awareness: Restricting kids & older population in Public Places, Masks donated to each person & Sanitization Done. In the picture- Sanalembi & Mimila From BCH generating awareness & executing the measures.
May 30, 2020:Sonibari Bazaar,
May 30, 2020:Sonibari Bazaar,Bantarapur,Cachar, Assam: BCH team continues the Covid-19 preventative measures diligently- Entry & Exit To Market Place strictly controlled.
Thank you to the Bantarapur women organizations, authorities, panchayat & committees for supporting us.
May 31, 2020: Moirang Keithen Khuningthek Market
May 31, 2020: Moirang Keithen Khuningthek Market, Bantarapur - Market Entry & Exit Points strictly controlled, hand washed & sanitized upon entry, Masks given to each Vendor & Customer, social distance implemented. BCH Covid 19 protective measures execution continues.
1st June, 2020: Sukurbari Bazaar,Bantarapur
1st June, 2020: Sukurbari Bazaar,Bantarapur, Cachar, Assam- BCH Covid 19 strict measures continue.
June 4th 2019, Khuningthek, moirang kaithel
Our Efforts Continue...preventative measures from donating masks to sanitization to Covid-19 Awareness.
June 4th 2019, Khuningthek, moirang kaithel, Bantarapur, Cachar, Assam
June 5, 2020, Sukrubari Bazaar,
June 5, 2020, Sukrubari Bazaar, Bantarapur, Cachar, Assam.
BCH Covid-19 preventative measures continue...from donating masks to sanitization to Awareness
We are extremely thankful to all the volunteers on behalf of our BCH team serving at Bantarapur:
Testimonial from Bantarapur Market owner, on the importance of BCH executed safety measures
Testimonial on behalf of Bantarapur Women Organizations on the Masks & Sanitizers from BCH
Bantarapur authorities testify the importance of protocol driven by BCH. BCH helps implement & execute Health & Safety Measures via Awareness, Mask & Sanitizer Distribution, enforcing guidelines in collaboration with the Local committees & authorities helping to prevent Covid 19 spread in Market Places with Local Vendors & in Public gatherings.
Bantarapur Village resident testifies the importance of Masks & Sanitizers Donated by BCH
Testimonial from Bantarapur Market Committee for BCH Masks & Sanitizer & Covid19 Awareness-Execution.
Bantarapur Village committee testifies the importance of protocol driven by BCH