Sunita Qureshi
Celebrating Mrs. Sunita Qureshi - Our Motivational Hero

The beautiful mesmerizing Mrs. Sunita Qureshi from Charlotte left us smiling through her battle with Breast Cancer on June 15, 2023. Mrs. Qureshi was an integral member of our Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) Support family. She couldn’t come in person to receive the BCH-Bravest Hero Award in April 2023, hosted in Charlotte, but she was delighted to receive it when I delivered it to her. Many might have met Mrs. Siunita at BCH October Fest 2022 in Concord, experiencing her charisma. We will miss Mrs. Sunita so much especially Mrs. Ravina Kashyap & me as we spent unforgettable moments with her!
Breast Cancer Hub would like to thank Mr. Tass Qureshi (son) & the respected family of Mrs. Sunita Qureshi for giving us the opportunity and we are honored to carry her legacy forward by celebrating Mrs. Sunita’s life, always remembering the brave soul! Mrs. Sunita Qureshi is an inspiration for mankind... Our Salute to our Hero.
Our heartfelt gratitude,
( Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, on behalf of BCH family )
Tribute from Mrs. Sunita Qureshi’s son, Mr. Tass Qureshi..
“Dear friends and loved ones,
It is with profound sorrow that I share the news of my dear mother's, Sunita Qureshi, recent departure from this world on June 15, 2023. While we are devastated by the loss of her physical presence and the inability to communicate with her, I find solace in spreading a message of unwavering positivity during this difficult time.
My mother possessed a remarkable quality that touched the hearts of all who crossed her path: her smile. Her radiant and infectious smile had the power to brighten the darkest of days. It seemed as though she perpetually carried an aura of happiness, and no one in her presence could question the authenticity of her joy. This is the legacy I aspire to uphold - the legacy of spreading joy and positivity wherever life takes me.
Mom firmly believed in the principles of karma and the importance of radiating the energy we wish to receive. She was a firm believer in the power of manifestation; understanding that positive vibes attract positive experiences. These convictions remained with her until her final breath. It shaped the person she was and inspired all those around her.
Despite the challenges fate dealt her, my mother demonstrated unwavering strength. She has battled cancer since 2012 facing uterine cancer, multiple breast cancers, and finally metastatic cancer that spread to several organs, bones, and her brain. Doctors estimated a prognosis of two years when she received the diagnosis four years ago. Yet, she fought valiantly until the very end. I am left awestruck by her resilience. How does one maintain such an optimistic outlook on life after enduring such prolonged pain? How does someone make it their life's mission to ensure that every person who encounters them departs with the biggest grin imaginable? It is this unwavering dedication to spreading positivity that continues to inspire me and will forever remain ingrained in my being.
Never once did my mother perform any act with the expectation of receiving something in return.
She firmly believed that intentions hold the utmost importance, emphasizing that actions motivated solely by desired outcomes hold little significance. Her commitment to serving Krishna, God, remained unwavering until her last breath. She poured her heart and soul into her devotion, profoundly impacting countless lives along the way. Even her chosen devotee name, Krsnasmita, meaning "the smile of Krishna (God)," perfectly encapsulates her essence. Thank you for the countless sacrifices you made throughout your life, always placing others before yourself, and striving to bring joy to everyone's lives.
While I can never begin to repay you for all that you have done, I can honor your memory by living each moment with the intention to make you proud. I know that you will forever be by my side, even though your physical presence may be absent. This is just the beginning of a journey that will be kept alive by each person you have touched. Your love will continue to guide us, and your impact will endure.
I Love You Mom
Tass Qureshi”