Research Publications
Dr Lopamudra Das Roy
Distinguished Cancer Scientist, Cancer Research Professor, Principal Investigator
Learn about her Research publications and Scientific presentations
Breakthrough Scientific Discoveries:
• Discovered the molecular signaling pathway between Arthritis (Inflammation) and Breast Cancer Metastasis and received Press release from American Association of Cancer Research in 2012 at Chicago in addition to worldwide Press Releases.
• Discovered the direct role of MUC1 protein in initiating epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in pancreatic cancer.
• Developed a novel antibody-based blood test for earlier detection of Breast Cancer.
Research Grants Awarded as Principal Investigator:
1. Source: SBIR (Small business innovation research) contract grant issued by National Cancer Institute (NCI). Title: Molecularly Targeted Radiation Therapy for Cancer Treatment. Role: Principal Investigator (2016-2017)
2. Source: Department of Defense cancer research Program. Title: A novel association and therapeutic targeting of neuropilin-1 and MUC1 in Pancreatic Cancer. Role: CO-Principal Investigator (2012-2014)
3. Source: Department of Defense Breast cancer research Program: BCRP BC087792 Award . Title: Evaluate the mechanism of enhanced metastasis induced by arthritis. Role: Principal Investigator (2009-2012)
4. Source: Breast Cancer Hub. Title: Breast Cancer Hub Epidemiological Research Study & Clinical Data Analysis. Role: Principal Investigator (2017 onwards)
Summary of Research and Academics experience along with Scientific Peer Reviewed Publications (Contribution to Science)
Doctoral Research-2004-2007: focused on evaluating the genotoxic potential of pharmaceuticals {Chloroquine (CHQ), metronidazole (MTZ), Ciprofloxacin (CIP)} using chromosome aberration (CA), micronucleus (MN), and sperm head abnormality (SA) assays in vivo in Swiss albino mice. The interaction between a low dose of radiation and pharmaceuticals, as well as the effect of vitamin C on pharmaceuticals-induced genotoxicity, was also evaluated. We found that these drugs induced dose dependent increase in the frequency of CA as well as MN in polychromatic erythrocytes. Supplementation with vitamin C prior to drug treatment significantly reduced the frequency of CA as well as MN. Our findings also suggest that these drugs may sensitize bone marrow cells to radiation exposure and enhance genotoxicity.
1. Das Roy, L., Mazumder, M., and Giri, S. (2008). Effects of low dose radiation and vitamin C treatment on chloroquine induced genotoxicity in mice. Environ. Mol. Mutagenesis. 49:488- 495.
2. Das Roy, L., and Giri, S. (2007). Genotoxicity of ciprofloxacin in mammalian test system. Journal of Pediatric Oncall. 70:39-40. (National Indian Journal).
3. Das Roy, L., Giri, S., Singh, S., and Giri, A. (2013). Effects of radiation and vitamin C treatment on metronidazole genotoxicity in mice. Mutation Research. doi:pii: S1383-5718(13)00029-6. 10.1016/j.mrgentox.2013.02.001.
4. Singh, S., Das Roy, L., and Giri S. (2013). Curcumin Protects Metronidazole and X-ray Induced Cytotoxicity and Oxidative Stress in Male Germ Cells in Mice. Prague Med Rep, 114(2):92-102.
Breast cancer and Arthritis- 2007-2012 (Mayo Clinic & UNCC): Established a link between inflammation and breast cancer metastases, and that there are therapies and treatments that could be developed to decrease the metastases. Specifically, we have identified the key cytokines associated with the enhanced metastasis. We recognized the role of mast cells and SCF/c-Kit signaling in breast cancer with arthritis. The other route of mechanism reported is that IL-17 is up-regulated in the arthritic mice with Breast Cancer and blocking the IL-17 pathway may significantly reduce the rate of metastasis. These insights are fostering new anti-inflammatory therapeutic approaches to cancer development. We are the pioneer of this research investigation and in discovering that breast cancer associated metastasis is significantly augmented due to arthritis and I received press release for discovering the underlying mechanism. Our discoveries and insights are fostering new anti-inflammatory therapeutic approaches to cancer development. The data generated not only reveal the underlying mechanism of high susceptibility to bone and lung metastasis in an arthritic condition, but the combination therapies may lead to treatment modalities that will be capable of reducing tumor burden, and preventing relapse and metastasis in arthritic patients with breast cancer.
5. Awarded with grant on behalf of the Fiscal year 2008(FY08) Department of Defense (DOD) Breast cancer research program (BCRP). Title of the proposal: “Evaluate the Mechanism of Enhanced Metastasis Induced by Arthritis”. Role: Principal investigator, 2009-2012.
6. “Arthritis augments breast cancer metastasis: role of mast cells and SCF/c-Kit signaling”, Received Press release at AACR Annual Meeting 2012, held in Chicago.
7. Nature Precedings (2008). Available online: Das Roy, Lopamudra, Pathangey, Latha, Tinder, Teresa, and Mukherjee, Pinku. Breast Cancer Associated Metastasis is Significantly Increased in a Model of Autoimmune Arthritis.
8. Das Roy, L., Pathangey, B.L., Tinder, L.T., Schettini, L.J., Gruber, H.E., and Mukherjee, P. (2009). Breast cancer associated metastasis is significantly increased in mice with autoimmune arthritis. Breast Cancer Res. 11(4):R56. doi: 10.1186/bcr2345.
9. Das Roy, L., Pathangey, B.L., Tinder, L.T., Schettini, L.J., Gruber, H.E., and Mukherjee, P. (2011). Collagen induced arthritis increases secondary metastasis in MMTV-PyV MT mouse model of mammary cancer. BMC Cancer, 11:365. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-11-365.
10. Das Roy, L., Curry, J., Sahraei, M., Kidiyoor, A., Besmer, D., Gruber, H.E and Mukherjee, P. (2013). Arthritis augments breast cancer metastasis: Role of mast cells and SCF/c-Kit signaling. Breast Cancer Res. 11;15(2):R32. doi: 10.1186/bcr3412
11. Das Roy, L, Sahraei, M., Gruber, H.E., Besmer, D and Mukherjee, P. (2014). Systemic neutralization of IL-17A significantly reduces breast cancer associated metastasis in arthritic mice by reducing CXCL12/SDF-1 expression in the metastatic niches. BMC Cancer, doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-14-225.
Pancreatic Cancer Research: 2007-2017 ((Mayo Clinic & UNCC): MUC1 plays a crucial role in the oncogenic signaling pathways of human pancreatic cancer and we discovered the direct role of MUC1 protein in initiating epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in pancreatic cancer. We also identified the oncogenic signaling pathways driven by MUC1 in pancreatic cancer.
12. Awarded with grant from Department of Defense (DOD) Breast cancer research program (BCRP). Title: “A novel association and therapeutic targeting of neuropilin-1 and MUC1 in Pancreatic Cancer.” Role: CO-Principal Investigator, 2012-2014.
13. Das Roy, L., Sahraei, M., Subramani, D., Besmer, D., Nath, S., Tinder, T., Kandavel, S., Lee, Y., Hwang, SL., Gendler, S., and Mukherjee, P. (2011). MUC1 enhances invasiveness of pancreatic cancer cells by inducing epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Oncogene Nature publication, doi 10.1038/onc.2010.526.
14. Besmer M, L., Curry, J., Das Roy, L., Tinder, T., Schettini, J., Hwang, S., Lee, Y., Gendler, S.J., and Mukherjee, P. (2011).Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma mice lacking mucin 1 have a profound defect in tumor growth and metastasis. Cancer Research. 2011 Jul 1;71(13):4432-42.
15. Sahraei, M., Das Roy, L., Curry, J., Tinder, L.T.,Nath, S., Besmer, D., Kidiyoor, A., Dalia, R., Gendler, S., and Mukherjee, P. (2011). MUC1 plays a crucial role in the oncogenic signaling pathways of human pancreatic cancer cells. Oncogene Nature publication, doi 10.1038/onc.2011.651.
16. Schettini, J., Kidiyoor, A., Besmer, D., Tinder, T., Das Roy, L., Lustgarten, J., Gendler, S and Mukherjee, P.(2012). Intratumoral Delivery of CpG-Conjugated Anti-MUC1 Antibody Enhances NK Cell Anti-Tumor Activity. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, DOI: 10.1007/s00262-012-1264-y.
17. Nath,S., Daneshvar,K., Das Roy, L., Kidiyoor, A., Sahraei, M and Mukherjee, P. (2013) MUC1 induces drug resistance in pancreatic cancer cells via activation of PI3K/Akt pathway and upregulation of multidrug resistance genes. Oncogenesis (2013) 2, e51; doi:10.1038/oncsis.2013.16.
18. Kidiyoor,A., Schettini, J*., Besmer, D*., Rego, S., Nath, S., Curry, J., Das Roy, L., Dreau D., and Mukherjee, P. (2014) Pancreatic Cancer Cells Isolated from Muc1-Null Tumors Favor the Generation of a Mature Less Suppressive MDSC Population. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy, doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00067.
19. Nath, S., Das Roy, L., Grover, P., Rao, S., and Mukherjee, P. (2015) MUC1 regulates Cox-2 gene in pancreatic cancer. Pancreas 2015;00: 00–00.
20. Zhou,R., Curry,J., Das Roy,L., Grover, P., Moore,L., Wu,S., Kamesh, A., Leung,T., Mukherjee, P. (2016). A Novel Association and Therapeutic Targeting of Neuropilin-1 in MUC1high Pancreatic Cancer. Oncogene Nature Publication, doi:10.1038/onc.2015.516.
Research at OncoTAb, Inc-November 2012-June 2017 (UNCC):
Developed a novel antibody-based blood test (Agkura Personal ScoreTM) for earlier detection of breast cancer (Biomarker). .
21. Awarded with SBIR (Small business innovation research) contract grant issued by National Cancer Institute (NCI) as Principal Investigator. Title: Molecularly Targeted Radiation Therapy for Cancer Treatment
22. Moore, L., Das Roy, L., Zhou, R., Grover, P., Wu, S., Curry, J., Dillon, L., P, Puri., Yazdanifar, M., Puri, R., Mukherjee,P and Dréau,D.. (2016) Antibody guided in vivo imaging for early detection of mammary gland tumors. Translational Oncology, (2016), 9, 295-305.
23. Das Roy, L.,Dhillon, L., Zhou., R., Moore., L, Puri., R., Livasy, C., Mukherjee., P. (2017) A monoclonal antibody with exceptional specificity across major breast cancer subtypes. Genes and Cancer, 8(3-4):536-549.doi:10.18632/genesandcancer.134.
24. Didier Dréau, Laura Jeffords Moore, Mike Wu, Lopa Das Roy, Lloye Dillion, Travis Porter, Rahul Puri, Noor Momin, K. Dane Wittrup, Pinku Mukherjee (2019). Combining the specific anti-MUC1 antibody TAB004 and Lip-MSA-IL-2 limits pancreatic cancer progression in immune competent murine models of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Frontiers in Oncology, section Cancer Immunity and Immunotherapy 441584.
25. John Stuart Salmon, Jimmy J. Hwang, Myra M. Robinson, James Thomas Symanowski, Lloye M Dillon, Lopamudra Das Roy, Matthew A. Beldner, Kelry Preston, Sharon Buige, Reza Nazemzadeh, Pinku Mukherjee, Farhang Farhangfar, Edward S. Kim. Phase II study of regorafenib (Reg) in patients with previously treated advanced pancreatic cancer (APC). Journal of Clinical Oncology. DOI:10.1200/JCO.2017.35.15_suppl.e15751
More list of Scientific Publications
26. Chauhan, V., Nelson, D., Das Roy, L., Mukherjee, P and Kenneth, B. (2012) Exacerbated metastatic disease in a mouse mammary tumor model following latent gamma herpes virus infection. Infectious Agents and Cancer, 7(1):11.
27. Hastie, E*., Besmer, D*., Shah, N., Murphy, A., Moerdyk-Schauwecker, M., Molestina, C., Das Roy, L., Curry, J., Mukherjee, P., and Grdzelishvili, VZ. (2013). Oncolytic vesicular stomatitis virus in an immunocompetent model of pancreatic cancer. Journal of Virology, doi:10.1128/JVI.01412-13
28. Jennifer M. Curry ,Dahlia M. Besmer ,Timothy K. Erick,Nury Steuerwald, Lopamudra Das Roy, Priyanka Grover,Shanti Rao,Sritama Nath,Jacob W. Ferrier,Robert W. Reid,Pinku Mukherje. (2019). Indomethacin enhances anti-tumor efficacy of a MUC1 peptide vaccine against breast cancer in MUC1 transgenic mice. Plos One.
29. Zhou, R; Yazdanifar, M; Das Roy, L; Whilding, L; Gavrill, A; Maher,J; Mukherjee, P. (2019). CAR T Cells Targeting the Tumor MUC1 Glycoprotein Reduce Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Growth. Frontiers in Immunology, section Cancer Immunity and Immunotherapy.
30. Das Roy, L (2019). Early detection is the key to survival. Paper published in Chapter Book – Bioresources of Northeast India: Status & Conservation Strategies. A collection of research & review paper. Published by ADP College, Nagaon & Sampriti Publication (India).
31. Das Roy, L (2019). Shh..let’s not discuss, Silent Ignored Chapter. Wall magazine at Dr B Borooah Cancer Institute, India.
32. Das Roy, L (2020). Male Breast Cancer. Gati Newspaper-19th April, 2020
33. Das Roy, L (2020). Cancer & Inflammation – Role of Diet. Click here
And Read more
34. Das Roy, L (2020). Breast Cancer Screening. Click here
35. Das Roy, L (2020). Silent ignored chapter. Click here
36. Das Roy, L (2020). Cancer is not contagious. Click here
37. Mahnaz Sahraei, Mukulika Bose, J. Alexa Sanders, Chandrav De, Lopamudra Das Roy, Sritama Nath, Cory R. Brouwer, and Pinku Mukherjee. (2021). Repression of MUC1 Promotes Expansion and Suppressive Function of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells in Pancreatic and Breast Cancer Murine Models. International Journal of Molecular Sciences as part of the Special Issue The Immune Landscape in Solid Tumors. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(11), 5587;
38. Rudrarup Bhattacharjee, Lopamudra Das Roy, Amarendranath Choudhury (2022). Understanding on CRISPR/Cas9 mediated cutting-edge approaches for cancer therapeutics. Discover Oncology,
39. Sanalembi Devi, Sapna Pashi, Ranjita Singha, Rakesh S. Ramesh1 , Lopamudra Das Roy (2022). Breast Cancer Hub – Meeting the challenges to screening, diagnosis, treatment, and support to cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in North-East India.
Annals of Oncology Research and Therapy, Click here – Full Paper
40. Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, Co-author and contributor of a Chapter, Title: “Save a Life, Save a Family” for the Book “I Walked That Path Too”. Angel Lab Editions, Compiled by Sophie Roumeas (Available on Amazon), Published October 17, 2023
Complete List of Published Work in My Bibliography:
Scientific Presentations at Conferences
41. Das Roy, L., and Giri, S. (2007). Induction of Chromosomal Abnormality, Micronucleus and Sperm Shape Abnormality by Metronidazole: A Commonly Used Pharmaceutical. International conference on Biomarkers in health and Environmental Management & Environmental Mutagen Society of India: XXX11 Annual Meet, Coimbatore, India.
42. Das Roy, L., and Giri, S. (2007). Effects of low dose radiation and vitamin C treatment on metronidazole induced genotoxicity in mammalian test system in vivo. Indian Academy of Pediatrics 22nd Annual Conference, Assam, India.
43. Das Roy, L., and Giri, S. (2007). Induction of Chromosomal Abnormality, Micronucleus and Sperm Shape Abnormality by Metronidazole and Vitamin C Intervention. National Conference on genomics: Impact on human health, Madhya Pradesh, India.
44. Das Roy, L., and Giri, S. (2007). Induction of Chromosomal Abnormality, Micronucleus and Sperm Shape Abnormality by chloroquine: A Commonly Used Pharmaceutical. 30th All India Cell Biology Conference and Symposium on - Molecule’s to Compartments: Cross- Talks and Network, New Delhi, India.
45. Das Roy, L., and Giri, S. (2007). Genotoxicity of ciprofloxacin in mammalian test system. Proceedings: Journal of Pediatric Oncall. 70:39-40. (National Indian Journal).
46. Das Roy, L., Pathangey, B.L., Tinder, T., Schettini, L.J., and Mukherjee, P. (2008). Study the influence of arthritis on breast cancer associated bone metastasis. Era of Hope, Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program, Baltimore, USA.
47. Das Roy, L., Pathangey, B.L., Tinder, T., and Mukherjee, P. (2008). Breast cancer-associated metastasis is significantly increased in mice with autoimmune arthritis. Autumn Immunology Conference, Chicago, USA.
48. Das Roy, L., Pathangey, B.L., Tinder, T., Gruber, H.E., and Mukherjee, P. (2009). Increased breast cancer associated metastasis in PyV MT mice induced to develop arthritis. American Association of Immunology Conference, Seattle, USA.
49. Das Roy, L, Schettini, J.L., Sahraei, M., Gruber, H.E., Sahraei, M., and Mukherjee, P. (2010). Treatment with anti-IL 17A coupled with COX-2 inhibitor significantly decreases breast cancer associated secondary metastasis in a model of autoimmune arthritis. Annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Washington D.C., USA
50. Kidiyoor, A., Schettini, J., Das Roy, L., Besmer, D., and Mukherjee, P. (2011). Pancreatic tumor cells that develop within a Muc1 knock-out mice generate less immunosuppressive MDSCs in vitro. Annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, USA.
51. Nath, S., Das Roy, L., Rao S., Tinder, T., and Mukherjee, P. (2011) The oncogenic role of MUC1 in the context of TGF-β production and signaling. Annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, USA.
52. Besmer M, L., Curry, J., Das Roy, L., Tinder, T., Schettini, J., Hwang, S., Lee, Y., Gendler, S.J., and Mukherjee, P. (2011). MUC1 increases proliferation of pancreatic cancer in vivo and in vitro through regulation of ERK1/2. Annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Orlando, USA
53. Das Roy, L., Curry, J., Sahraei, M., Kidiyoor, A., Besmer, D., Gruber, H.E and Mukherjee, P. (2011) Evaluate the Mechanism of Enhanced Metastasis Induced by Arthritis. Era of Hope, Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program, Orlando, USA.
54. Das Roy, L., Curry, J., Sahraei, M., Kidiyoor, A., Besmer, D., Gruber, H.E and Mukherjee, P. (2012) Arthritis augments breast cancer metastasis: Role of mast cells and SCF/c-Kit signaling. Annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Chicago, USA.
55. Besmer,D., Kidiyoor, A., Nath, S., Das Roy, L., Curry, J., and Mukherjee,P. (2012). Investigating the Role of IDO in MUC1 Expressing Breast Cancers. Annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, Chicago, USA.
56. Curry, J., Besmer, D.,*, Das Roy, L., Grover, P., Nath, S., Rao,S., Mukherjee, P. (2013). Combinational MUC1 vaccine therapy and Indomethacin treatment reduces breast tumor burden via a COX-independent pathway. American Association of Cancer Research, Washington, USA.
57. Hastie, E*., Besmer, D*., Shah, N., Murphy, A., Moerdyk-Schauwecker, M., Molestina, C., Das Roy, L., Curry, J., Mukherjee, P., and Grdzelishvili, VZ. (2013). Oncolytic vesicular stomatitis virus in an immunocompetent model of pancreatic cancer. 15th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, March 13, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
58. Hastie, E*., Besmer, D*., Shah, N., Murphy, A., Moerdyk-Schauwecker, M., Molestina, C., Das Roy, L., Curry, J., Mukherjee, P., and Grdzelishvili, VZ. (2013). Oncolytic vesicular stomatitis virus in an immunocompetent model of pancreatic cancer. 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Virology, July 20 – 24, State College, Pennsylvania, USA.
59. Zhou, R., Curry, J., Grover, P., Das Roy, L., Leung, T., and Mukherjee,P. (2014) MUC1 enhances neuropilin-1 signaling in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, SanDiego, USA.
60. Das Roy, L., Zhou., R., Moore., L, Puri., R., Mukherjee., P. (2015) MUC1 expression in a panel of human breast cancer cell lines. Publication only: Journal of Clinical Oncology: American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual meeting, Chicago, USA.
61. Allen, B., Wu, Shuta., Das Roy, L., Zhou, Ru., Fowler, A., Ogle, J., Garmon, C., Ogle, C., Mukherjee,P. (2015) Targeting Breast and Pancreatic Cancer with Antibody-guided PLGA Nanoparticles. URC (Undergraduate Research Conference) 2015 at UNC Charlotte, USA.
62. Dréau,D., Moore, L., Das Roy, L., Wu, S., Puri, R., Mukherjee,P. (2015) Early detection of mammary tumors in vivo using a highly specific tumor antibody: Breast Cancer Symposium, ASCO, USA, Journal of Clinical Oncology:
63. Expert Speaker and Chairperson at “Global Cancer Summit Conference”, November 2015 at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
64. Das Roy, L., Zhou., R., Moore., L, Puri., R., Mukherjee., P. (2015) A monoclonal antibody with exceptional specificity across major breast cancer subtypes. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, USA.
65. Zhou, R., Das Roy, L., Yazdanifar, M., Moore., L, Cherian, E., Livasy, C., Mukherjee., P. (2016) Development of combinatorial immune therapy using tMUC1specific chimeric antigen receptor redirected T cells for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer. Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy, American Association of Cancer Research (AACR), Boston, USA
66. Priyanka Grover, Monica,D. Nye, Mahboubeh Yazdanifar, Mohammad Ahmad, Ru Zhou, Lopamudra Das Roy, Kajal Grover, Shu-ta Wu, Sritama Nath and Pinku Mukherjee.(2017) MUC1 regulates TGFβ function in pancreatic cancer. AACR Annual Meeting 2017; April 1-5, 2017; Washington, DC
67. Mukherjee, P., Zhou, R., Yazdanifar, M., and Das Roy, L. (2017) Development and future of CAR T cell therapy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and triple negative breast cancer. American association for cancer research Frontiers in Cancer Treatment at Cape Town, January 2017.
68. Das Roy, L. (2017). Inflammation & Cancer. Indian Academy of Pediatrics (Assam, India).
69. Zhou, R., Das Roy,L., Yazdanifar, M., Livasy, C., and Mukherjee, P. (2017) The use of tMUC1 highly specific chimeric antigen receptor-redirected T cells for the eradication of triple negative breast cancer. American association of immunology conference, Washington D.C, May 2017.
70. Salmon, J.S; Hwang, J.J; Robinson, M.M; Symanowski, J.T; Dillon, L.M; Das Roy, L; Beldner, M.A; Preston, K; Bulge, S; Naze,zadeh. R; Mukherjee, P; Farhangfar, F; and Kim, E.S (2017): Phase II study of regorafenib (Reg) in patients with previously treated advanced pancreatic cancer (APC). Journal of Clinical Oncology: American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), USA
71. Ru Zhou, Mahboubeh Yazdanifar, Lopamudra Das Roy, John Maher and Pinku Mukherjee. Tumor MUC1 glycoprotein-highly specific CAR T cells control triple-negative breast cancer (2019). Cancer Research: DOI:10.1158/1538-7445.AM2019-2305.Proceedings: American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting
72. Sanalembi Devi, Sapna Pashi, Mimila Chanu and Lopamudra Das Roy from Breast Cancer Hub.
Impact of Covid-19 on Breast Cancer Screening in North-East India (26th August, 2020). Indian Association of Women's Studies E-Conference. "Gender during Covid -19: Perspectives from Northeast India.
73. Guest speaker in urban & rural India, Hospitals, Universities & Colleges, on Breast Cancer:
74. Invited as Panelist/Guest Speaker/Keynote for various seminars/webinars Globally highlighting Breast Cancer awareness, cancer prevention, challenges & solutions: Glimpses of few events -
75. Srikavya Pasumarthy, Dr. Rakesh S. Ramesh, and Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy. Breast Cancer Hub Research Study: Evaluating the Disproportionate Rate of Metastasis and Mortality by Age in Patients with Breast Cancer in India and the United States Through a Comparative Study. St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, 3rd Annual Research Day April 8, 9, 2021
76. Zuganta Jyoti Das, Dr Afifa Kausar , Gulzar Hussain, Foujana Hoque, Ananya Kalita, Ruptalin Engtipi, Priyam Goswami, Rajdeep Bora, Dr. Rakesh S. Ramesh, and Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy. Breast Cancer Hub Research Study: An epidemiological research study to depict the status of Breast Cancer Awareness in the local population of Nagaon, Karbi Anglong District & surrounding areas in Assam, India – generate awareness to help with early detection. St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, 3rd Annual Research Day April 8, 9, 2021
77. Sanalembi Devi, Sapna Pashi, Mimila Chanu, Sarita Singha, Ranjita Singha, Langlen Sana, Uma Nunia, S. Nilkamal Singha, Richard Huang, Dr. Rakesh S. Ramesh, and Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy. Breast Cancer Hub Research Study: Investigating the cancer awareness status, underlying determinants leading to late detection, navigating the suspicious cases, and addressing the challenges with grassroots solutions during the Covid-19 pandemic in the villages adopted by Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) in Cachar, Assam, India. St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, 3rd Annual Research Day April 8, 9, 2021
78. Zuganta Jyoti Das, Dr Afifa Kausar Foujana Hoque, Ananya Kalita, Dr Rakesh Ramesh and Dr Lopamudra Das Roy: Breast Cancer Hub Research Study: Ground Reality on Breast Cancer Screening Scenario in Nagaon & Karbi Anglong Districts of Assam, India. Oral Presentation, AKAM Conference, Delhi University, 19-20 January, 2023.
79. Srikavya Pasumarthy, Peggy Miller, Patricia Washburn, Cheri Ambrose, Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy: High Mortality in the Male Breast Cancer Community— A Report on its Underlying Determinants and the Need for a Change in Healthcare Policy. Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine - Research Day, May 03, 2023, Kalamazoo, Michigan
80. Anubha Gupta and Dr Lopamudra Das Roy: Challenges of a Trans Woman: Case Report on Mental Health and Risks of Reproductive Cancers with Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy. The Myriad Facets of Women: A Celebration of the Extraordinary (MFW2024), March 1 - 2, 2024, Jain University, India.
81. Pai, D.K; Bhat, B.V; Gangadharan, H; Panda, P.K; VC, Ravindran; Das Roy, L; Kumar, S. Cervical cancer screening in 48000 females over two decades: Feasibility and success of community-based screening in Kerala, India. Journal of Clinical Oncology:; American Society of Clinical Oncology, June 03, 2024, Chicago, USA.
82. Ratna Basak, Sima Basak, Rimpa Biswas, Sabarna Saraswati and Dr Lopamudra Das Roy: Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) Case Study – Addressing Breast Cancer Challenges in Villages in India with Grassroots Sustainable Solution: San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium: Poster Spotlight Award, December 12, 2024.
83. Sapna Pashi, Ranjita Singha, Sarita Singha, Sangita Bagdi, Sanalembi Devi, Dr. Rakesh S. Ramesh, and Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy; Door-to-door Breast Cancer Screening in 22,278 populaces from February 2020 to April 2024: Breast Cancer Hub’s Trendsetting Grassroots Sustainable Solutions, overcoming the Disparity, and Challenges in the Rural Remote Villages in Poverty, of Assam, India: San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium: Poster Spotlight Award, December 13, 2024.
Invited interview by VJ Oncology, in honor of Breast Cancer Hub’s Poster Spotlight Award at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium on 13th December 2024, under the category “Addressing Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Outcome.
Link to the interview:
Key note speaker/Guest Speaker on behalf of Breast Cancer Hub Globally:
Honored with various awards & press releases (newspapers & TV)-
Honored and felicitated from various organizations worldwide for selfless contribution towards community on Breast Cancer Awareness, Education & Research AND Saving innumerable Lives.
Dr. Lopamudra Das Roy (Distinguished Cancer Scientist-Research Professor-Principal investigator), Founder and President of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), resigned from her rewarding job in 2017 to devote herself full-time to the pro bono humanitarian work of creating and growing Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) by providing 100% Free services with a dream to save lives by making impactful, sustainable changes at the grassroots level, bridging the gap between the Developed & the Developing Countries. BCH primarily serves North Carolina, across the USA, India, Africa, Turkey, and Globally through the hybrid model.
Dr Das Roy has 23+ years of experience in Research, Teaching and Mentoring undergraduate and Ph.D. candidates in the field of Genetics and Cancer. She served at University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), USA as Research Professor, awarded with grants as Principal Investigator (PI) from the Department of Defense (DOD) cancer research program, discovering targeted cancer therapies and signaling pathways in metastatic Breast and Pancreatic cancer. Dr. Das Roy worked as Research Director at OncoTAb, Inc (UNCC spin-off), focusing on Cancer diagnostics and therapeutics, and as an Adjunct Associate Professor at UNCC & was awarded Contract grant from the National Cancer Institute as Principal Investigator. At the beginning of her career, she also served as Lecturer of Genetics at Garden City University, Bengaluru, India. Her original research work is attributed to numerous high-impact factor publications, inventions, citations, and press releases with global recognition from the American Association of Cancer Research and public media for breakthrough work on discovering the signaling pathway between Breast cancer metastasis and Arthritis. She is invited to present her work at worldwide conferences as a Keynote speaker and is a scientist reviewer of grants from the Department of Defense (DOD) and cancer-related journals.
Dr Das Roy received her Ph.D. in Molecular Biology (Genetics) from Assam University, India, with research experience in Biochemistry at Delhi University & She received her Post-Doctoral fellowship from Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA in Cancer Immunology & therapeutics focusing on Breast and Pancreatic Cancer and her MBA from Northwestern University-Kellogg School of Management, Chicago.
Dr. Das Roy is the recipient of “2024 The Charlotte Ledger 40 over 40 Awards, presented by U.S. Bank, recognizing local unsung heroes”; Invited interview by VJ Oncology, in honor of BCH’s Poster Spotlight Award at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2024, under the category “Addressing Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Outcome”; Nominated & Featured in KNOW Charlotte Magazine 2024; She is “Awarded as one of the 50 most influential women in 2023 by The Mecklenburg Times & North Carolina Lawyers Weekly“ for professional achievements, community involvement, and record of leadership. She is a 2024 “George H.W Bush Points of Light” Awardee, She is a Finalist at Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2023 in the category Science & Innovation Management”, “Awarded as one of the 100 Global Women in Leadership 2021 by GCPIT“, “Honored as one of the five inspiring women around the world leading the fight against Breast Cancer”; Bestowed with the “USA President’s Lifetime Achievement Award for commitment to building a stronger nation through volunteer service”, “Best Researcher Award” in the International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine (INSO), 2022”, “Exemplary Social Worker Award”, “Global Role of Cancer Awareness”; “Truly dedicated Social Activist Award”; “Award of Excellence for Humanitarian service”.
Dr Das Roy’s story featured at Charlotte Lately Magazine in 2020 as one of the 31 Influential Women in the City (Charlotte, North Carolina), her journey featured at CanvasRebel, Global Women Summit, INet NYC (International Network in New York City), Voyage LA Magazine, Women Who Win, Passion Piece, Podcasts (making a Global Impact), and other Magazines, WBTV - Charlotte News, Press & blogs due to relentless work across the globe and the community in the field of Cancer, felicitated globally for her work and featured as best of 2020 East India Cover Story, recognized as the savior of women with Breast Cancer in addition to being awarded for Outstanding performance on relief and welfare activities in India during Covid-19 from Universal Diplomatic Affairs of Human Rights. She also received the Global Achievers’ Award 2021 from IAF, India for outstanding professional experience & contribution in Nation building.
Dr. Das Roy’s greatest award is the happiness she receives from bringing smiles to the families of innumerable lives she saves each day in the urban and rural areas in utmost need, who would have otherwise gone undetected.
To learn more on the inception of Breast Cancer Hub and interviews and podcasts of Dr Das Roy, Please click here: VJ Oncology; Mecklenburg Times, Points of Light, CanvasREBEL, Women who Win, Hidden Gems section - Voyage LA Magazine, Charlotte Lately Magazine, Passion Piece; East India Story, INet NYC (International Network in New York City), Podcast - Making a Global Impact (Interview by Carrie Madrid), Podcast (interview by Sarah Ashley Neal), Goodera, TheOncoPT Podcast Interview
Country of origin: Assam, India; Country of Residence: Charlotte, NC, USA Email, Website, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube