Dr Ramya Nandakumar, BCH Jutland-Denmark Chapter Director


Dr Ramya Nandakumar

Assistant Professor, Aarhus University,

Aarhus, Denmark;

BCH Jutland-Denmark Chapter Director

I have a PhD in Molecular Biology from the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Germany, after which I came to Denmark on a post-doctoral fellowship. My husband is a biologist as well and we have a beautiful three-year old daughter.

 Mission Statement : As a scientist, I am fully aware of how rapidly science and technology are improving by the day.  Loss of lives due to inability to access already available diagnostic measures, treatment options, and support systems, due to lack of awareness, and/or finances etc. is difficult to justify.

I fully trust Dr. Roy and her vision and I hope to be able to contribute.

Email: nandakumar.ramya@gmail.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramya-nandakumar/

Country of origin: India

Lopamudra Das Roy