Breast Cancer Hub (bch) clinical data analysis study - usa
Your kind participation in the survey is invaluable towards our Research Mission to make changes with healthcare policies on Dense Breast Concerns, Screening importance for the younger populace, underlying factors leading to late detection or progression of Cancer and come up with solutions at the grassroots level.
Research Purpose: Our goal is multifaceted: first, we hope to conduct a survey that sheds light on the biological, lifestyle, and circumstantial factors including Dense Breast screening concerns that may affect the Breast Cancer prognosis. Through this survey, we also aim to gauge the occurrence of Breast Cancer in various age groups and ethnicities. Additionally, we will strive to understand if younger populations are affected differently than older populations by this ailment. Finally, we hope to decipher the fundamental causes leading to metastasis. Clinical data collected through these surveys from cancer patients will subsequently be published in an anonymous de-identified format. Ultimately, our overall goal is to find concrete publishable data that promote earlier detection of all ages in both developing and developed countries and work towards reforming the healthcare policies focusing on Breast Cancer Screening.
Confidentiality: Data will be shared only with the researchers working on this particular project under strict guidance and supervision of the Principal Investigator - Dr Lopamudra Das Roy. Your personal identity will not be revealed in any publication or release of results.
It is a voluntary participation and BCH does not gain any monetary benefits from the generation and publication of this data. All our services are free of cost.
Our heartfelt gratitude for your time & support, taking the survey, as we penetrate the untapped sectors for substantial impactful scientific results.
Informed Consent document - please type in your name in the form below, this will be considered as a signed consent.
If your Cancer has relapsed, kindly fill out the survey below in addition to the first survey. if not, please close out of this window after you have submitted your first survey.